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MMUST’S African Women in Science and Engineering Sanitary Pads Campaign Set to Prevent Absenteesm Among Female Students in Day Schools

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology’s African Women in Science and Engineering (AWSE) Sanitary Pads Campaign will certainly prevent absenteeism among female students in day schools in Kakamega County. The AWSE, MMUST Chapter team has continued their mission of ensuring that female students do not miss their classes due to their menstrual cycle. This was patent during AWSE’s second outreach program to Mwiyala Secondary School - Kakamega, on Thursday, 23rd June,2022.


Dr. Seline Ooko addressing the girls at Mwiyala Secondary School.

The team, led by Dr. Seline Ooko donated sanitary pads to the female students at the school and gave a career talk whose main focus was on science oriented subjects.  “The girl child needs to be empowered to aim high in their studies and also put in effort in STEM related subjects. We don’t want you to disappear in the village after you clear your Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E). MMUST is determined to support any efforts towards popularizing STEM subjects,” she said.

 ladsxPrincipal, Mwiyala Secondary School, Ms. Jaqueline Wamwayi receives a box of sanitary pads from MMUST’s Dr. Fridah Njeru.

The Principal, Mwiyala Secondary School, Ms. Jaqueline Wamwayi expressed her appreciation to MMUST for choosing Mwiyala Secondary School for their outreach activity. “I am so thrilled that the only University of choice came to plant a seed at our school and I pray that all these bear fruits. MMUST being the nearest and only University of choice, it will be our pleasure to be associated with this prestigious institution. There is a need to strengthen the relationship between the two institutions,” she said.

Other notable personalities at the event included Mwiyala Secondary School Board Member, Beatrice Barasa, MMUST’s Dr. Fridah Njeru, Ms. Alice Mbuthia and MMUST Students- Ooko Yustine and Isaac Wafula as well as staff Mwiyala Secondary School.

This drive is part of their outreach program that is aimed at keeping female students in school during their menstrual periods and improve the number of female students pursuing science oriented courses in Secondary schools and Universities.

By Charity Idaya

Photos by Gabriel Juma


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