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MMUST Conducts Defensive Driving Training for Its Drivers to Improve Competencies and Curb Possible Road Hazards

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, on 30th June 2022 conducted a three-day Defensive Driving Training for its drivers. The training which was carried out in conjunction with Automobile Association of Kenya will equip MMUST drivers with a set of road skills, strategies and techniques. They will also improve their competencies and be aware of the possible road hazards.

This training that went on up to Saturday, 2 July, 2022 was organized by the Office of Registrar Administration led by the Ag. Registrar Administration, Dr. Eglay Tsuma. Dr. Tsuma appreciated the Automobile Association of Kenya

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Speaking at the event, the Director, Performance Monitoring and Evaluation, Prof. Joseph Nasongo, applauded the Management for endeavoring to train drivers on Defensive Driving which is a key indicator in the performance contract of the University.

“Our safety is key. I urge you to take this training seriously and implement the knowledge you have gained. Ensure that you become a conscious and competent driver as you have been taught,” urged Prof. Nasongo.

 simage 3Seated from left: Director, Performance Monitoring and Evaluation, Prof. Joseph Nasongo, Senior Assistant Registrar, Mr. Gregory Muluta and Ms. Salome Mbaika (Driver) following the training proceedings.

The key objectives of the training included ‘Appreciating positive driving attitude’, ‘Demonstrating an understanding on how to reduce traffic crashes’, identifying unsafe driving habits’, ‘How to reduce vehicle running cost' and ‘Observance of the Highway Code and the traffic Act (Cap403)’.

One of the instructors, Mr. Nickson Lungahi, discussed the five key elements that make up the inventory of decision making while driving, which include Search, Evaluate, Execute, In and Time (SEEIT). “When driving at 80km/h, you should see 300 metres ahead,” cautioned Mr. Njambere. The other instructors were Mr. Tom Ogonda and Patrick Muhati.


AA Instructor, Mr. Nickson Lungahi demonstrating a point during the training.

Other notable personalities present during the training were, the MMUST Chief Security Officer, Mr. Julius Mabia, Senior Assistant Registrar, Mr. Gregory Muluta, Senior Clerical Officer, Ms. Lilian Andeyo, Senior Administrative Assistant, Mr. Washington Onyango and Administrative Assistant, Mr. Phelix Ajuoga.

The various aspects addressed during the training included ‘Common Causes of Road Crashes,’ ‘Key Principles to good driving’‘Driver Responsibilities and Code of Discipline,’ ‘Carjacking’‘Driving Attitude and Behavior’‘Basic Vehicle Care and Maintenance’ Vehicle and Preventive (Pre-trip-checks)’ and ‘Commentary Driving Assessment’.

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Drivers, Mr. Johnstone Tsisiche, Mr. Rennox Ondari and Mr. Timothy Koech keenly following the presentations.

On the last day of the training, the drivers were taken through vehicle maintenance practicals, what to do during an emergency and evaluation on driving competencies. Defensive driving is one of the most critical safety plans on the road. This training is key to ensuring that drivers reduce any danger that may be associated with driving and improving their competencies. 

By Lydia Anyonje and Linet Owuor

Photos by Shiundu Masafu

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