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MMUST Shines at the Nation Media Group Higher Education Fair and Skills Expo

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) is exhibiting at this year’s NMG Higher Education Fair and Skills Expo at Kisumu School in Kisumu County. The education Fair was organized by the Nation Media Group in conjunction with the Commission for University Education (CUE) and Technical and Vocational Education Training Authority (TVETA).

The purpose of this education fair is to give potential students and stakeholders from different segments of education and industry an opportunity to have a candid conversation about higher education in the country. The platform will also give students a chance to get a deeper understanding regarding the courses they can fit in best, especially what is entailed in getting admitted to study in their areas of interest.



The Director Career Services, Dr. Teresa Okoth handing a present to a student during the during the NMG Higher Education Fair Expo


MMUST team was led by the Director Career Services, Dr. Teresa Okoth who also participated in the Nation panel discussions.  Other staff from MMUST who attended  the Education Fair are Director PSSP, Prof. Benedict Alala and the Marketing officer, Mr. James Muriithi. The education fair officially kicked off today Friday15th July 2022 and will end on Saturday, 16th July 2022.

Speaking during the panel discussions, Dr. Okoth took centre stage in explaining to students about MMUST programs and how students can benefit when they become part of this great institution.

She explained the available benefits such as the talent scholarships, merit scholarships and ‘Somesha Mwenzako’ as a way in which needy students of MMUST can be assisted in paying their school fees. Under these programs, students are able to be involved in sports and other extra curricula activities and the University pays part of their school fees.

panelDr. Teresa Okoth explaining to students about MMUST programs and career growth and progression.

This expo comes in handy in attracting more students to MMUST bearing in mind that inter-University transfer window will be opening next week from Monday 18th July 2022. The MMUST marketing team is in the forefront in explaining critical information about our programs to students



By Wilberforce Shiundu

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