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MMUST’s Cordial Partnership With the County Government of Kakamega Likely to Lead to Development of a Child Care Centre in the County

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) cordial partnership with the County Government of Kakamega is likely to lead to the development of a Child Care Centre in the County. This was revealed during a consultative meeting spearheaded by the School of Education (SEDU) on13th July, 2022 together with the Ag. Kakamega County Executive Committee Member for Education Science and Technology, Dr. George Lutomia.

The meeting was graced by the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Planning Research and Innovation (PRI), Prof. Charles Mutai, who applauded the MMUST researchers for coming up with the noble idea of developing a childcare centre that would boost inclusive upbringing of children in the County.

“We appreciate the support and mutual understanding we have had with the County Government of Kakamega. This has led to greater development of the University and benefits to the community. We shall collaborate to ensure the establishment of this facility,” acknowledged Prof. Mutai.

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MMUST and Kakamega County officers.

The Dean, School of Education (SEDU), Prof. Moses Poipoi noted that further discussions and consultations are ongoing between the key stakeholders. He pointed out that SEDU has been tasked with the duty of coming up with a project proposal for the child care centre. The proposal will be tabled to the county government cabinet for approval, followed by the signing of a memorandum of understanding for funds to be allocated to initiate the project.

 “MMUST is a centre of excellence and a learning herb mainly for young female students to grow intellectually. The students understand themselves and establishing a child centre will make it a centre for child development as well,” said Prof. Poipoi.

According to Childcare and Development researcher, Dr. Rose Opiyo, early childhood life is a key component in the development of all children. She urged parents, guardians and the society to promote inclusive childcare. She acknowledged that parenting is accompanied by challenges to the majority of people within and around the University. Therefore, the Childcare Centre is set to solve problems encountered in early childhood development. This project comes at a time that is most suitable to prepare the future generations.

“Children need parental love, care, attention and to grow in an environment that will promote their social and psychological development. The Childcare Centre is set to solve problems encountered in recent years with early childhood development. It comes at the most suitable time to prepare the future generations,” said Dr. Opiyo.

Further, Dr. Opiyo highlighted benefits of the Childcare Centre as follows; it will facilitate physical learning for young parents at the University, County government workers as well as enabling people to conduct their businesses with ease. These will create more time for learning and encourage students to attend lectures

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Director Early Childhood in Kakamega County, Mr. Sam Murambi during the meeting.

The Ag. Kakamega County Executive Committee Member for Education Science and Technology, Dr. Lutomia advocated for the proposed child care facility to be built at the University due to its safe and strategic location. He added that construction of the centre is not only for the development agenda but also for our children’s welfare. As a sign of giving back to the society, this facility is key to creating employment opportunities for women and Kakamega County residents. “We have very few established child care centres in Kakamega County. I would commend MMUST for having thought of this initiative,” he stated.

Other notable personalities present at the event were; the Director Social Services Kakamega County, Ms. Yvonne Atsenga and the Director Early Childhood in Kakamega County, Mr. Sam Murambi.

Early childhood comprises of a number of life stages marked by developmental milestones. It is the period from birth to age eight which represents a clear developmental continuum. Age eight corresponds to a critical age for mastery of the reading skills. Further learning will build a reliable prediction for future education success. It is important we lay a firm childhood foundation for better child growth and development.

 By Justus Kyama and Gabriel Juma

Photos by Gabriel Juma

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