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MMUST’s Agricultural Research Project Gets Global Recognition for Strengthening Food Security

The Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) agricultural research project on mushrooms has received global recognition for strengthening food security. This was evident during the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) World Services and West Media Limited courtesy call to the MMUST’s Professor of Nutritional Sciences, Prof. Asenath Sigot. The event which was held on 18th July, 2022, is geared towards assessing the mushroom farming project in the University. The team visited Kakamega County to interview farmers and identified mushroom farming as one of the key emerging crops, an enterprise through which they could collaborate with MMUST.

Speaking at the event, Prof. Sigot acknowledged that agricultural research is key to combating food insecurity faced by the country and the world at large. She noted that a healthy diet is essential to people’s livelihoods. She revealed that mushroom cultivation is most fundamental in commercialization and urged young people to participate in development of the project. She hinted that she developed interest knowing that mushrooms can be grown just like any other crop.

“I am grateful that the team visited the University and commended this noble project. It is my pleasure that it will promote expansion of the project. I have been doing research since 2020 and I am happy when the project gets international recognition. The project will enlighten leaders that the product has potential in the ever changing global market,” said Prof. Sigot.


Seated from right; The Director, Research and Postgraduate Support, Prof. Peter Bukhala, Professor of Nutritional Sciences, Prof. Asenath Sigot together with BBC and West Media LTD journalists.

Further, Prof. Sigot pointed out that many students have shown interest and have established business ideas from the project. She highlighted its importance as follows: the project will lead to job creation, research, food security and development of the University as well as the community. She advocated for monetary assistance to boost this key project expansion in terms of equipment and labour.

The Director, Research and Postgraduate Support, Prof. Peter Bukhala echoed Prof. Sigot’s sentiments saying that agricultural research is essential in the development of the society. He pointed out that people who have done research have pushed for agriculture in the national agenda. He added that the agenda has strengthened agricultural practices in this era of technology.


Professor of Nutritional Sciences, Prof. Asenath Sigot explains a point.

 “Mushroom is an emerging crop which requires modern technology to minimize use of land for cultivation. The project needs support from the government as well as the World Food Programme (WFP) for large scale production. This will contribute significantly to economic growth,” stated Prof. Bukhala.

According to BBC Journalist, Ms. Karnie Sharp, this great product needs global recognition due to its nutritional and medicinal value. She revealed that several health benefits associated with mushrooms will attract nutrition, business and health sectors to be part of the project. Moreover, she encouraged the University to promote the project and ensure it flourishes in the international market.

“It is my pleasure to realize that there is a key project in MMUST which lifts agriculture in the region. The project will impact food security both nationally and globally,” she said.

West Media Limited Journalist, Mr. Bramuel Bwire pointed out that food security is the major focus in the national arena. He commended the support that the University has offered towards the project and urged that more should be done to scale it higher.

 “I applaud Prof. Sigot for coming up with this remarkable project which will contribute majorly to the community’s livelihoods. I am happy that this project will get international recognition for the advancement of the University and the community at large,” he said.


BBC journalist, Mr. Rob Wilson displaying one of the mushroom products.

Other journalists present at the event from BBC World Services- Focus on Africa were; Mr. Rob Wilson and Mr. Darren Warorobe.

Agricultural research is a major development project focusing on improvement of livelihoods. Certainly, BBC World Services- Focus on Africa publicity of such cutting edge research, coming very close to electioneering period, will ensure that the incoming political leaders establish an agenda to support Agricultural Research in the County.

By Verna Awuor

Photos by Gabriel Juma

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