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the deadline for the 13th International Interdisciplinary Conference submission of Papers has been extended to May 15 2022. The conference will be held in Nairobi, Kenya on June 20 to 25, 2022 at Multimedia University of Kenya (online and in-person options).


Conference Venue: Multimedia University of Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya and online through Zoom)

Sponsors: Multimedia University of Kenya, Kenya Scholars and Studies Association (KESSA), Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED) and African Interdisciplinary Studies Association (AISA)

The main theme of the 2022 conference is 'Sectoral Development in Africa'. The theme is derived from the notion and idea that many African governments assign development responsibilities to various sectors. Some sectors such as agriculture, tourism and mining are income generators while other sectors are service areas and include education, water, electricity, health and security, which take out a lot of revenue. The purpose of governments and development partners is to address the distressful economic situation and poverty on the continent due to the failure of development sectors. There is no excuse for failure because Africa has 2/3rds of the world’s natural resources and yet remains the poorest continent. Many development stakeholders are beginning to question the type of development change taking place in Africa, asking whether it is African or Chinese revolution in Africa. Development stakeholders believe that the greatest need for Africa is fundamental economic revolution from within, utilizing the continent’s own people based on a hybrid of ideas. Health is in limbo. Tourism has declined due to Covid-19 pandemic. Oil wealth has not delivered. There is a huge potential for agriculture in Africa, because the continent has the largest arable land in the world, and yet about 240 million people on the continent live below the poverty line. Many countries are still stuck in the colonial mono-cropping problems of cash crops introduced by colonialists. Africa has not taken advantage of its fresh water resources. Despite massive water, 80% of agriculture depends on rain and not irrigation leaving trillions of gallons of rain water to be drained into oceans. What can the continent do in partnership with others to revive its fortunes? How can Africa tap into its full potential to experience positive development?  In what ways can Africa promote gender equity, rights of minorities and the marginalized for sustainable development? What mechanisms and strategies need to be deployed to foster development? In what ways can internal synergies be mobilized to address issues of leadership, corruption, wastage, brain drain and human trafficking, relevant education and proper engineering and agricultural models to promote development? What lessons do we learn from the effects of the spread of Covid-19 pandemic in the world? How have various governments and the international community responded to the effects of change in Africa? What are some of the efforts being made by various academic disciplines to address changing realities in education, agriculture, engineering, medicine, politics, technology, social issues, culture, water management, gender, youth, children, pastoralist issues, trade, business, commerce, religion, e-commerce, e-learning, among others? These are some of the issues that the conference will be seeking to address.

Conference Website:


Direct Link:

The conference will bring together scholars from all over the world to make presentations on matters that touch on Africa. Submission of abstracts: Send abstracts of between 250 and 500 words, including full contact details (title, name, address, email-address, and telephone) as well as institutional affiliation by May 15, 2022 to Prof. Maurice N. Amutabi at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The deadline for submission of full papers or PowerPoint presentations (one of them is adequate) is May 30, 2022. Most papers presented at the conference will be selected and published in peer-reviewed edited volumes and journals – Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies (JAIS) and Journal of Popular Education in Africa (JOPEA) - affiliated to African Interdisciplinary Studies Association (AISA) and the Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED), based in Nairobi, Kenya. Each person is allowed to submit a maximum of 3 papers. We encourage authors of papers not to have too many authors. The official language of the conference is English. The conference will consist of twenty colloquia organized along themes.

Important dates

Deadline for submission of abstracts – May 15 2022

Deadline for submission of PowerPoint presentation or full papers May 30, 2022

The first book will come out starting June 2022 for early papers submitted.

Conference dates – June 20 - 25, 2022


Colloquium 1: Sectoral Development in Africa and the World

Sub Themes:

  1. Understanding Development Sectors and Growth
  2. Covid-19, Spread and Effects on global affairs and Containment, Vaccinations, etc
  3. Rural to urban migration, urban poverty and urban violence in cities 
  4. Social change and Western influences on various development sectors in Africa
  5. The East and development sectors and Development in Africa: China, India, etc
  6. Dynamics of development sectors in Africa - Savannah “Silicon Valley’s”
  7. Indigenous knowledge (IK) and influence on development sectors
  8. Grassroots and Community Based Development Approaches and Sustainable Development
  9. The UN, World Bank, INGOs, NGOs and Community Based Organizations
  10. Partnerships, Foreign Aid and Western Development models and Sectors and Development
  11. Energy, Water, Pastoralism, Agriculture, Fishing, bee-keeping, Roads, Railways, Air transport, Health, taxi transport (Matatu, Daladala, etc) and other Sectors  and Development
  12. Poverty Eradication, Poverty Alleviation, Poverty Reduction, Strategic Management, etc
  13. UN and Development Goals
  14. Social Protection and Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development
  15. Faith-based Organizations and development sectors
  16. Trade Unions, Political Parties, Interest Groups and Sustainable Development
  17. Indigenous African Philanthropy, Good Aid and Bad Aid in Africa and Sustainable Development
  18. Migration, displacement and movement and effects on sectors of development
  19. Identity, hybridity, blackness, whiteness and Sustainable development
  20. Sexuality, ‘queer’ culture and ‘otherness’ and social development
  21. Pop culture, multiculturalism and minorities and sectoral development
  22. Voice, agency and silences in global and African development
  23. Women’s Liberation, Youth Empowerment and Minority Development
  24. Linguistics, politics of ‘-Phones’ and Language question and sustainable development
  25. Arts, Culture, Performance, Literature and Sustainable Development
  26. Abstracts on any other relevant topic are welcome

Colloquium 2: Environment, Business, Resources Sectors of Development


  1. Global Environmental Movements, Climate Change, and Sectors of Development
  2. Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs)/Rangelands and E-waste Management 
  3. Global Finance, Commerce, e-Commerce and e-Banking, Sectors of Development
  4. Patents, Trademarks, Factories, Industries and Manufacturing & Sustainable Development
  5. New Trends in Outsourcing and Africa’s ‘Silicon Valleys’ and ‘Industrial Parks’
  6. Globalism, sectors , European Union, NAFTA, ECOWAS, EAC and IGAD
  7. Devolution, Decentralization and Resource Mobilization& Sustainable Development
  8. Planning and Management of Strategic Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
  9. Business Management, Human Resource and Entrepreneurship & Development
  10. The Cooperative Movement, Women Groups and Savings Societies
  11. Media, Transport and Communication & Sustainable Development
  12. Regional Blocs, Integration and Regional Trade and Sustainable Development
  13. International Trade and Global Business Management and Sustainable Development
  14. Tourism, Eco-Tourism, Health-Tourism and Sustainable Development
  15. Transparency and Accountability, Corruption and Ethics in Development
  16. Sports, Cable TV, English Premier League, American NBA, Cricket, Rugby and Other Sports & Sustainable Development
  17. Games, Gambling, Betting and Pyramid Schemes & Sustainable Development
  18. Forensic auditing and accounting and and Business Trends and Losses
  19. Global Finance and Sustainable Development
  20. SMEs, Cooperative Saving Societies, Micro and village banking and bank agents
  21. Money transfer, Western Union, Mpesa and other mobile banking services
  22. Politics of Covid-19, COVID-billionnaires, pharmaceutical politics
  23. Post Covid-19 therapies for businesses, issues of trauma and counselling
  24. Government and private efforts during and after ‘new normal’ under Covid-19
  25. Abstracts on any other relevant topic are welcome.

Colloquium 3: Education, other social and cultural Sectors and Development


  1. Education, Covid-19, Pandemic Sectors and Development
  2. Lifelong learning, Open and Distance Learning (ODL), online learning, e-resources
  3. Global Trends and Curriculum Development and New Pedagogies in Higher Education
  4. Global Networks, Higher Education, Linkages, Research, Partnerships and Publishing 
  5. Development sectors, Industry, Linkages, Exchange Programmes and Collaborations
  6. Development sectors and Special Education
  7. Education, ICT, teleconferencing, webinars, networking and e-Learning
  8. Women, Minorities and Gender mainstreaming in Education
  9. Development Sectors and Lifelong Learning, Adult Education and Cooperative Education
  10. Science, Industry, Technology and UNESCO projects in Education
  11. Development Sectors, Private Education and Venture Capital
  12. Global Trends, Technical and Vocational Education
  13. Africa Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS)
  14. Research Production, Graduate Training and Repositories and anti-Plagiarism
  15. University Ranking and Funding in Higher Education
  16. Global Trends in Education, Basic, Elementary and Secondary Education
  17. r. New Trends in Teaching and Education
  18. Covid-19 and education sector
  19. Covid-19 and clamour for online learning in the ‘new normal’
  20. Abstracts on any other relevant topic are welcome

Colloquium 4: Law, Courts, Constitutions, Human Rights Sectors & Development


  1. Global Trends, International Court System, Independence of Courts in Africa
  2. Human Rights and Sustainable Development
  3. Global Trends and Indigenous, Local, National and Global Legal Systems
  4. Conflict Transformation and Peace Building Issues
  5. Dictatorships, Democracies and Constitutional reforms
  6. The role of women and minorities in legal issues 
  7. Court reporting and Courts in Social Media
  8. Alternative Justice Systems in Africa – Councils of Elders
  9. Environmental Law and Conservation and Sustainable Development
  10. Role of Regional Blocs and UN in Arbitration in Conflicts
  11. Women, Youth and Courts and Sustainable Development
  12. Civic and Citizen Education and Sustainable Development
  13. Land, Special Courts and Small Claims Courts
  14. Human Trafficking and Global Recruitment Firms
  15. IDPs, Refugees, Illegal and Forced Migration
  16. Protocols, Agreements, Treaties and Accords
  17. Truth Commissions and Restoration of Justice
  18. Abstracts on any other relevant topic are welcome


Colloquium 5: Engineering, Science, Technology, Fourth Industrial Revolution & Development


  1. Global trends in Highways, Roads, Bridges and Applied Technology
  2. Technical Training, Science, Technology and Sustainable Development
  3. Fourth Industrial Revolution, Global Trends in Engineering
  4. Natural Resource Management, agriculture, livestock and fisheries
  5. Patents, Trademarks, Technology and Innovation
  6. Manufacturing, Industry and University Collaboration
  7. Research and Development (R&D) and Sustainable Development
  8. Industrial Parks and Innovation Villages and Sustainable Development
  9. Innovation, Science, Technology and Environment
  10. ICT, Science and Technology and Sustainable Development
  11. Science, Technology, Gender and Sustainable Development
  12. Science, Children and Youth and Sustainable Development
  13. Health Tourism, Medicine, HIV and AIDS
  14. Transport (Roads, railways, ports and harbours) and Sustainable Development
  15. Informal (Jua kali) sector and non-formal sector and Sustainable Development
  16. Abstracts on any other relevant topic are welcome

Colloquium 6: The Third Sector, Religious Organizations, State Agencies, and Sectoral Development


  1. Influence of Global Trends on Third Sector Development in Africa
  2. Islam, Christianity and development sectors
  3. Global Radical Groups, Radical Religious Groups
  4. Global Trends in Media and the Church and Development
  5. Global Trends in Ethics and Development
  6. Sectoral development and Faith-Based NGOs and Development
  7. Philanthropy and Sustainable Development
  8. Religious Institutions and Development
  9. Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Al Shabaab and global peace and security
  10. NGOs and Grassroots Development and Development
  11. Income generating groups and Development
  12. State Corporations and Development
  13. TV and Global Mega Evangelists and Development
  14. Religion and Environment and Development
  15. Religion, Gender and Women and Development
  16. The Church and Covid-19 Pandemic
  17. The Covid-19 Pandemic and Local, national and regional dynamics
  18. Abstracts on any other relevant topic are welcome

Colloquium 7: Security, Peace and Conflict, Sectoral and Development


  1. Global Security Architecture and Sectoral Development in Africa
  2. Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Al Shabaab and global Peace and Security
  3. Conflict, Rebel activities, War and Violence
  4. The UN, African Union, Gender and Human Rights
  5. Peace and Security in the Great Lakes Region
  6. Conflict Management and Development
  7. War and Refugees and Development
  8. Ethical Issues in Development and Development
  9. Democracy, Leadership and Governance
  10. Dictatorship, term limits and Corruption
  11. Regional Bodies and peace and Development
  12. Displacement, Refugees and International Affairs
  13. Failed and near-failed states in Africa
  14. Water wars and conflicts in the world and Development
  15. Small arms and light weapons and Development
  16. Special Forces and Commando Units
  17. Abstracts on any other relevant topic are welcome


Colloquium 8: Computer Science, Library, Information and Communication Technology, Media Sectors and Development


  1. a) Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Development
  2. b) The nature and state of ICT in the world and Africa and Development
  3. c) Computer Science, Mobile Libraries, Dissemination and Publishing
  4. d) Library Resources and Development
  5. e) E-Library/Virtual library and Development
  6. f) E- books/E-Journals and Development
  7. g) Internet Research and online publishing
  8. h) Communication and Journalism and Development
  9. i) Language, FM Radio and TV stations and Development
  10. Gender and ICT in Africa
  11. ICT and environment in Africa
  12. Business innovations in ICT – M-pesa, m-kopa, m-shwari, etc
  13. Oral literature and oral narratives and texts
  14. Global Media and Africa and Development
  15. CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera and Reporting Africa
  16. Media ownership in Africa
  17. Training in journalism in Africa
  18. FM Radio Stations and Development
  19. Media Freedom
  20. Social Media and Fake News
  21. Gender and Media
  22. Media censorship
  23. Women in Media
  24. Abstracts on any other relevant topic are welcome

Colloquium 9: Global Trends in Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Research, Sectors and Development


  1. Challenges of invention of states and ethnic groups in Africa
  2. Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Development in Africa
  3. Gender, Women and Development in Africa
  4. Corporate Social Responsibility
  5. Aid and Sectoral Development
  6. New Paradigms of Development
  7. Minority Groups and Tensions
  8. Interdisciplinary Research and Development
  9. Public Policy and Ecology
  10. Entrepreneurship and Development
  11. Minorities and Development
  12. Integrated Rural Urban Development
  13. Funding Interdisciplinary Research and Development
  14. Social, Economic and Political Research
  15. Research Regimes
  16. Opinion polls, surveys and mapping in Africa
  17. Research permits
  18. Patents and trademarks
  19. University-Industry partnerships
  20. Abstracts on any other relevant topic are welcome


Colloquium 10: Health, Medicine, Nursing Sectors and Development


  1. Health Science innovations and inventions in the worldand Sustainable Development
  2. Medical tourismand Development
  3. Epidemiology, pandemics, Covid-19, Corona Virus Pandemic &Development
  4. Ebola, Rare Diseases, Epidemiology, Yellow Fever, Nile Blindness, etc
  5. HIV and AIDS and management of the scourge
  6. Lifestyle diseases, poor and rich people diseases and health services
  7. Dietetics, Malnutrition and Nutrition
  8. Health of mothersand Development
  9. Gynecology and obstetrics and child welfare in Africa
  10. Problems of Covid-19, Corona Virus Pandemic &Effects on Development
  11. Medical insurance schemes and ‘health tourism’
  12. Resistance in diseases and campaigns against abuse of drugs
  13. Pharmacy, pharmaceuticals and health tender-preneurs
  14. Plastic surgery, cosmetics and beauty industry in Africa
  15. Nursing challenges, mobile hospitals and clinics in Africa
  16. Expatriate doctors and brain drain and brain gain in Africa
  17. Psychiatry and mental health in Africa
  18. Internal medicine and lifestyle diseases in Africa
  19. Aging, obesity and diet and care of the elderly in Africa
  20. Malaria and other tropical diseases
  21. Development and change in Medical schools in Africa
  22. Eradication of polio and other vaccination campaigns
  23. Alternative medicine and ethno-medicine
  24. Dietetics and nutrition, kwashiorkor, marasmus, and other issues
  25. Abstracts on any other relevant topic are welcome


Colloquium 11: Engineering, Technology, Innovation and Sectoral Development


  1. Mechanical engineering, global trendsand Sectoral Development
  2. Electronic engineeringand Sectoral Development
  3. Electrical engineeringand Sectoral Development
  4. Civil and structural engineeringand Sustainable Development
  5. Applied technology and African societies
  6. Chemical and mining engineering
  7. Wind, solar and hydro powerand Sustainable Development
  8. Factories and industriesand Sustainable Development
  9. Technical trainingand Sustainable Development
  10. Professional engineering exams
  11. Studying engineeringand Sustainable Development
  12. Engineering training and regulators
  13. Innovations, discoveries and innovations
  14. Young engineersand Sustainable Development
  15. Power generationand Sustainable Development
  16. Aviation and flying schools in Africa
  17. Manufacturingand Development
  18. Textile engineering and production
  19. Food processing, storage and nutrition
  20. Abstracts on any other relevant topic are welcome


Colloquium 12: Agriculture, Livestock Development, Fisheries, Irrigation Sectors and Development


  1. Sectoral plans, blue prints, research in agricultureand ddevelopment
  2. Crop husbandryand Sectoral Development
  3. Sectoral development in Cash cropsand national development
  4. Sectoral progress in Tea, coffee, maize, bananas, wheat, rice, beans and vegetables
  5. Pyrethrum, sisal and rare crops   
  6. Agricultural engineeringand Development
  7. Farm managementand Development
  8. Training in agriculture
  9. Strategic cropsand Sustainable Development
  10. Male crops and female crops
  11. Strategic food reserves
  12. Crop rotationand Sustainable Development
  13. Seed productionand Sustainable Development
  14. Rare crops
  15. Cooperative societiesand Sustainable Development
  16. Irrigation agriculture
  17. Training in agriculture
  18. declining interest in agriculture
  19. Pesticides and the challenges of farming
  20. Extreme weather and agriculture
  21. Strategic cropsand Sustainable Development
  22. Male crops and female crops
  23. Abstracts on any other relevant topic are welcome


Colloquium 13: Forestry, Wildlife Management, Tourism Sectors and Development


  1. Global water towersand Sustainable Development
  2. Carbon sinksand Sustainable Development
  3. Management of equatorial and tropical forests
  4. Challenges of forest management
  5. Training in forest and wildlife management

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