Dr. Frida A. Miruka

Dr. Frida A. Miruka

 mirukaContact details

Department of Language and Literature Education

School of Arts and Social Sciences  (MMUST)

P.O. Box 190-50100

Kakamega, KENYA

Office no. SPD Block B Room

Kakamega-Webuye Road

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.      

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9716-3460


Dr. Frida A. Miruka

Dr. Frida Miruka is a Lecturer at the Deparment of Language and Literature Education. She holds a PhD in Kiswahili Studies from Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology, Master of Arts in Kiswahili and B.ED of Maseno University. Her Research is in the fields of Literature and Linguistics in Kiswahili specifically Poetry and the Inter link between literature and linguistics. She is currently supervising a number of masters and PhD students and involved in several  institutional and community research activities.  She is the Vice Chairperson and one of the  founding members of the Western Kenya Kiswahili Association (CHAKIMAKE) and a Committee member of  the Kenya National  Kiswahili Association (CHAKITA). She currently serves as the Chair of Department of Linguistics and Literature.

Some of her key published works include: -

  1. Neyole E; Miruka F; Amukowa D. (2021). Rhetorical Questions as an off-record Politeness Strategy in Language Use among the Bukusu..  Research Journal in Modern Languages and Literature. Kenya Royallite  Publishers  (UK) Limited .   Vol 2. No.2 ISSN:2709 4316. https://royalliteglobal.com/languages-and-literatures/article/view/583
  2. Musotsi E; Miruka F; Okal B. (2021) Aspects of Graphology in the Construction of Selected Kiswahili Childrens Novels.  Research Journal in Modern Languages and Literature   Kenya Royallite Publishers (UK) Limited . Vol 2. No. 2 ISSN:2709-4316.https://royalliteglobal.com/languages-and-literatures/article/view/591
  3. Wamalwa, E; Mohochi, E.S; Ipara,I.O & Miruka,F. (2020)Language Attitudes & Kiswahili Language Learning In Primary Schools in Kenya. Journal of Education and Practice. ISSN 2222-1735(paper).  ISSN: 2222-288 (online) Vol. 11No.21.2020  www.iiste/org DOI:https:doi.org/10.7176/JEP/11-21-19
  4. Miruka, A. F. (2020) Kiswahili from National to Mother Language. A Kenyan  Perspective in the proceedings of the International Mother Language Day Conference. Indegeneous Languages Matter for Development, Peace building and Reconciliation.  ISBN 978 -9914- 702-28-6   Pg. 371-376 http://mmust.ac.ke/imld/images/Call_for_Abstracts.pdf
  5. Miruka, A.F. (2019). Muingiliano Matini  katika Fasihi: Mfano wa Vipera vya Fasihi Simulizi na Mashairi andishi ya Kiswahili. Katika  makala teule ya kongamano la CHAKITA (2018) Lugha na Fasihi katika Mshikamano wa Kitaifa na Uwiano Barani Afrika (143-153). Eldoret: Moi University Press. DOI:https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.14894.25922
  6. Miruka, A. F. (2018).   A pragmatic analysis of selected personal and place names in John Habwe’s novel, Maisha Kitendawili. American Journal of Linguistics P-ISSN:2326-0769(1): 15-18 DOI:https://doi.org/10.5923/j.linguistics.20180601.03.
  7. Miruka, A. F.; Amukowa, D. N. ; Jagero, J. A. ; Owala, S.(2017). Application of the conceptual metaphor  theory in the analysis of word metaphors: An analysis of Wamitilas Plays. . Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(10): 871-877..http://scholarsmepub.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/SJHSS-210A871-877.pdf   DOI:https://doi.org/10.21276/sjhss.2017.2.10.3
  8. Miruka, A. F.; Amukowa, D. N. ; Jagero, J. A. ; Owala, S.(2017). Changing trends in the form of the metaphor in Kiswahili literature. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol.7, No.6 ISSN 2220L-8488 www.ijhssnet.com  DOI:https://doi.org/10.30846/ijhss
  9. Okal, O. B. & Miruka, A. F. (2016). Application of set theory formulas in the presentation of Lexical Meronymy. Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences,1(2):67-72. DOI:https://doi.org/10.21276/SJHSS.2016.1.2.5

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