Contact details
Dr. Jane Naliaka Situma
Department of Nutritional sciences
School Public Health , Biomedical Sciences and Technology
P.O. Box 190-50100
Kakamega, KENYA
Office no. ABA Room 109
Kakamega-Webuye Road
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Google Scholar: en&user=feyviEwAAAAJ
ResearcherID: JJF-7085-2023JJF-7085-2023
Dr. Jane Naliaka Situma
Dr. Jane Situma is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Nutritional Sciences,School of Public Health, Biomedical Sciences and Technology(SPHBS&T).She is a nutrition specialist with over fifteen years of work experience in both clinical and community settings and offers a unique combination of social determinants of health technical expertise, program management and training.
Dr.Situma has independently managed programmes requiring considerable leadership, capacity building skills, networking, and representation skills at various levels. Jane’s ability to forge partnerships among/ with stakeholders has been a driving force in successful work completion and progress. Additionally, Dr.Situma has spearheaded many projects which are directed at improving sustainable nutrition practices among underserved or high-risk populations, including women and children. Through utilization of a blend of clinical nutrition skills and community-based approaches, she has successfully developed unique programmes for infant and young child feeding, Integrated management of acute malnutrition and micronutrients deficiency interventions. Within these contexts, and working with clinical health workers and community-based health workers she has also carried out assessments targeting various areas of nutrition such as clinical assessment, food and nutrition security, community-based assessments, food assistance programme, and child malnutrition assessment and action plans.
Dr.Situma has participated in a variety of projects funded by USAID, CDC, Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, WHO, WFP, FAO, UNICEF, JSI and AED. Jane is currently providing oversight for the UNICEF and USAID funded projects Implementing IYCF, IMAM and MNDC in Kakamega County and Migori County . The projects aim at enhancing the health and survival of infant, young children and women of reproductive age.
- Itaru, Annet Regina;Waswa, L;Jordan, Irmgard;Glas, M.G;Situma, J;Shikuri, R. An Assessment of Factors Influencing Consumption Patterns of Sun-Dried Vegetables among Households in Teso South Sub-County, Kenya. Published on 18th Novemebr 2024 in African Journal of food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development. DOI:
- Wycliffe Agutu, Jane Situma, Lucy Mutuli. Mothers’ Knowledge and Practices of Steps to Successful Breastfeeding at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital, Kenya. publishedon 28th June 2024 in Al-Sihah. DOI:
- Mwanzo L, Mutuli and J Situma. Utilization Of Nutrition Information On Food Labels By Diabetic Mellitus And Hypertensive Patients Attending Clinic At Kakamega County Teaching And Referral Hospital, Kenya. Published on 27th April 2024 in African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development (AJFAND) DOI:
- R Akelola, E Wamukoya, J Situma. Effect of food-based nutrition intervention on management of non-communicable diseases among people living with HIV in Busia County Hospital, Kenya. Published on 29th February 2024 in African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development. DOI:
- Ruth Wamatuba Akelola, Wamukoya Edwin, Situma Jane. Effect of PROLCARMIV on Management of Non-Communicable Diseases Among People Living with HIV in Busia, County Hospital-Kenya. published on 14 october 2023 in Science Journal of Public Health. DOI: httts://
- Sagam,C., Kivelenge A, Olayo R, Wanjala C, Mutai C, Wesonga B, Mutuli L and Situma J (2023). Effect of Covi-Soup on CD4 Cell count and Hypertension in Kakamega County: A Randomized Control Trial. Afr. Journal Food and Agric. Nutr Dev Volume23 No.2 February 2023 22568-22584
- Sagam,C., Kivelenge A, Mutuli L and Situma J (2023). Effect of Covi-soup on Random Blood Sugar and Blood Pressure among patients with Type II Diabetes and Hypertension in Kenya. Al-Sihah:The Public Health Science Journal , 15(1),53-62 DOI:
- Caleb Kimutai Sagam, Antonette Kivelenge, Lucy Mutuli, Jane Situma. Effect of Covi-soup on Random Blood Sugar and Blood Pressure among Patients with Type II Diabetes and Hypertension in Kenya. Published on 29th June 2023 in Al-Sihah: The Public Health Science Journal.DOI:
- Situma J. N. and Ogola M (2020). Utilization Of Edible Insects In Risk Reduction Of Non Communicable Diseases. Researchjournali’s Journal of Public Health Vol. 6 No. 8 November 2020.
- John Emuria Tukei, Jane Situma, Silvenus O Konyole. Relationship between household characteristics and food security among households with school going children 6-14 years in Turkana county, Kenya. Published on 3rd September 2022 in African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development.DOI:
- Rhoda Musungu, Asenath Sigot,Jane Naliaka Situma. Relationship between Dietary Intake, Nutrition Status and Academic Performance of Pupils. Published: 2020 in International Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Research.
- Caleb Kimutai Sagam, Antonette Kivelenge, Rose Olayo, Charles Mutai, Benard Wesonga, Lucy Mutuli, Christine Wanjala, and Jane Situma. Effect of COVI-soup on CD4 Cell Count, Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure, Haemoglobin and Nutrition Status among Patients with Diabetes Type II and Hypertension in Kakamega County, Kenya: Protocol of A Randomized Control Trial. OSF Preprints. DOI:
- Situma, J. N. (2020). Relationship between dietary intake, nutrition status and academic performance of pupils. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Research, Review Paper Vol. 8 (1), 65-70. ISSN 2309-3218.
- Situma, J. N. (2020). Feeding practices of infants, health and nutrition challenges faced by adolescent mothers. Asian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, Review Paper pg 40-47. Vol. 7, No. 1, 2020 ISSN 2313-7797
- Situma J. (2020). Critical Analysis of Nutrition Management in Cataract Disease. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT.Review Paper. DOI:
- Kotut B., Bor W. and Situma J. (2020). Dietary Practices and Nutrition Status of Infants Born to Adolescent Mothers in Transmara West, Narok County, Kenya International Journal of Innovative Research & Development. ISSN 2278 – 0211 (Online).DOI:
- Musungu R., Sigot A. and Situma J (2019). Dietary Intake of Pupils, 8-14 Years in Bungoma County, Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development ISSN 2278 – 0211 (Online) DOI:
- Enid K., Jane S. and Asenath S. (2019). Nutritional knowledge and practices among cataract patients attending Sabatia Eye Hospital, Kenya. European Journal of Public Health Studies. ISSN 2668-1056 or ISSN-L- 2668- 1056 Volume 1 Issue 2 2019 Available 0n line . DOI: 3494997
- Situma, J., Musungu, R. L. & Aguvania, C. (2019). An evaluation of the national school meals and nutrition strategy program in the western region of Kenya. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Research, 7 (1), 44-51.
- Situma Jane, Keseko Enid and Musungu Rhoda.2019, Utilization of Wooden Lockable Fish Ponds for Enhanced Household Food Security in Peri-Urban Areas of Busia County, Kenya. Int J Recent Sci Res. 10(08), pp. 34166-34169.
DOI: - Situma J., Enid, K. & Nabwoba, R. (2019). Level of exposure to risk factors for non-communicable diseases among the youth in Bungoma county, Kenya. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Research, ISSN 2309-3218 7 (1), 28-43.
- Situma J., Keseko E and Musungu R (2019). Nutrition security of households utilizing wooden lockable fish ponds in peri-urban areas of B usia county, Kenya. International Journal of Research in Agricultural Sciences (IJRAS). ISSN (online) : 2348 – 3997
- Situma J., Ahoya B. and Musungu R. (2019). Awareness and Utilization of Mother Child Health Booklet by Health Workers and Mothers in Western Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, 2019 ISSN 2278 – 0211 (Online) DOI:
- Situma J., Wakhungu J. and Neyole E. (2019). Nutritional Security of Pre-school Children from Irrigators and Non-irrigators Households in Turkana County, Kenya. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) ISSN 2307-4531 (Print & Online)
- Situma J., Wakhungu J. and Neyole E. (2019). Small scale irrigation farming interventions in Turkana County, Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, 2019 ISSN 2278 – 0211 (online) DOI:
- Ahoya B. and Situma J. (2016). Anthropometric assessment and patient satisfaction with hospital meals in County referral hospitals of western Kenya- International Journal of Health Science Research .ISSN: 2249-9571 Vol. 5 Issue 7 Pg 317–25
- Situma J. and Ahoya B. (2016). Local Foods Used for Porridge and Complementary Foods Vendors Nutritional Knowledge. International Journal of Research and Review ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237/ July 2016
- Situma J., Wakhungu J. and Neyole E. (2015). Comparison of dietary practices among school children in households practicing and not practicing irrigation in Turkana County. Researchjournali’s Journal of Public Health Vol. 1 | No. 5 June | 2015