Dr. Rose Atieno Opiyo

Dr. Rose Atieno Opiyo

Dr. Rose Atieno OpiyoContact Details
Department of Educational Psychology
School of Education (MMUST)
P.O. Box 190-50100
Kakamega, KENYA
Kakamega-Webuye Road
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ORCI: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6881-7859

Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rose-Opiyo

Google Scholar: en&user=4wJLkcYAAAAJ

ResearcherID: AAV-6477-2021

Dr. Rose Atieno Opiyo, PhD

Dr. Rose is a Teacher Educator and an Applied Psychologist holding a Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Psychology , with a major in  Early Childhood  Education and Adolescence Psychology .She also holds a Master  and Bachelors of Education  in Early Childhood Education and  Adolescent  Psychology from the University of Nairobi. She has 27 years of teaching experience with 14 years at MMUST and  is currently at Senior Lecturer level. 

At the University, Dr. Rose  is the Coordinator, Office of the Strategic  and Institutional Planning (SIP).She has previously served in various capacities as  programme coordinator,  scientific reviewer,  academic leader , student mentor and coordinator School  Practicum. Some of her great achievements include working in various University scientific , academic, research  and outreach boards and tasks forces among them the University Partnership and publications Committees . She has over 35 articles in book chapters  and peer reviewed journals.

Dr.Rose contributes to the  visibility of University  by fostering cutting edge  multi-disciplinary, cross-border research and by enriching international collaboration and  mobility of students and staff. Successfully, she has organized international  and national conferences and workshops in  the Strategic  Institutional Planning and Development , STEM Education, Gender Equality, Grant writing  involving multiple stakeholders.Notably, a key achievement in her coordination role is the successful launch of the University strategic and Institutional Plan 2024 -2028 launch. She is a  recipient of several scholarship awards, among them being the German Exchange Services (DAAD) , Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship and International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD).

Research Interests

Child Growth and Development, Nurturing care and early childhood development, Resilience and  adolescent Mental health, Climate change and child development, Quality assuarance,administration and supervision of Infants and Young Children.


  1. Kenyan Project leader with Dr Catherine Muhonja Aura in European Union Erasmus KA171 Mobility Project and Exchange of Higher Education Staff and Students seeking to strengthen student and staff mobility, international cooperation, policy development, social Inclusion and diversity, and capacity-building initiatives 2021-2026
  2. Co Principal Investigator to Prof Godfrey Ejuu and Samson Mhinza in A Multi Country International funded Project: Effectiveness of Inclusive Home Based Early Learning(IHELP) Model in Increasing Access to ECE for Children in Marginalized Communities in partnership with Kyambogo University, University of Zimbabwe and Sense International funded by the International Development Research Center (IDRC) Canada Knowledge Innovations and Exchange and Global Partnership for Education.This project seeks to providing access to inclusive ECCE for children in marginalized communities in Uganda Kenya and Zimbabwe
  3. Kenya Lead Researcher for the Gender Equality Partnership Grant seeking to Unveil Hidden Challenges and Barriers to Achieving True Gender Equality in STEM Education and Leadership in Kenya in partnership with Kings College London, UK supported by British Council , UK
  4. Kenya Lead Researcher:Cross-Cultural Research on Psychological Variables in Gaming and Overparenting in Social Media Usage among University Students (18-24 years ) in partnership with University of Turin. Italy. The projects seeks to document psychological variables and drivers of social media usage and addiction


  1. Project Leader Carnegie Africa Diaspora Fellowship: Integrating Community Engagement Research Practices in the Review and Development of Curricula in Early Childhood Education and Graduate Student Mentoring in patnership with University of North Dakota Funded by IIE & Carnegie Corporation NewYork) (CCNY)
  2. Principal Investigator A Multigenerational and Cross Cultural Study on Conceptualization of Human Flourishing in Africa a Project funded World Templeton Foundation/ISSBD
  3. Project leader :Arts and Creative Expression on Climate Change for Primary Schools in Kakamega County funded by Africa Early Childhood Network (AfECN)
  4. Principal Investigator: Vulnerabilities, Learning Loss and Recovery of Learners at Risk of Educational Failure in Bunyala Subcounty Busia supported by URF MMUST
  5. Co PI: A Multi-Disciplinary Project on Psychosocial Approach Towards Risk and Readiness Assessment of Vulnerable Communities in Responding to COVID 19 Pandemic in Kakamega County supported By URF MMUST
  6. Co PI A Multi-Disciplinary Project on University- Community Led Response to Adolescents Sexual and Reproductive Health Crisis in the Wake of COVID- 19 Pandemic 2019 Supported By URF
  7. Co Pi: Supporting Children with Disabilities in their Transition from Home to Pre-School and to Primary Schools within Inclusive Setting in Kenya supported by URF MMUST
  8. Co Pi : Assessing the Impact of STEM Model Schools Programmes (MSPs) in Promoting Enrolment and Performance of Girls in STEM majors in the Lake Region Economic Block, Kenya supported By URF
  9. Research Consultant: Bottleneck analysis on access of pregnant adolescents and teenage mothers to health services in Kakamega county, Kenya in partnership with AICS,KNOTE Kenyatta University, Trim , ISS MOE , MOH and CG of Kakamega funded by CISP

Some of her Major Publications:

  1. Bakesia Grace, Olayo Rose, Mengich Gladys & Atieno Opiyo Rose (2023)Prevalence of depression among adolescents in secondary schools in Kakamega County International Journal of Emergency Mental Health and Human Resilience ISSN: 1522-4821Open Acess Int J Emer Ment Health https://www.omicsonline.org/international-journal-of-emergency-mental-health-and-human-resilience.php
  2. James Bill Ouda, Rose Atieno Opiyo and Paul Ogula (2015) Effect of Millenium village primary school meal project on enrollment rate and attendance of pupils in Yala Division, Siaya County, Kenya Available online at www.elixirpublishers.com.
  3. Luembo, Harriet , Rose Atieno Opiyo & Kenneth Otieno (2023 ) Effect of Instructional Supervision on Utilization of Teaching and Learning Resources for Implementation of CBC in Pre-Primary Classrooms in Webuye East Sub-County, Bungoma County, Kenya. Corpus ID: 264990124. DOI: https://doi.org10.51867/ajernet.4.2.72 
  4. Herbert Amunavi Obeywa, Teresa A. Okoth-Oluoch, Rose Atieno Opiyo &Aggrey Mukasa Simiyu (2023) Efficacy of Learning Materials on Learners’ Readiness for Primary Education in Kenya. African Journal of Empirical ResearchVol. 4 (Iss. 2) 2023, pp. 1228-1234 ISSN 2709-2607 https://ajernet.net
  5. Obeywa, H. A., Okoth-Oluoch , T. A., Opiyo Rose Atieno & Simiyu, A. M. (2023). Assessment of the Influence of Teaching Methods on Learners Preparedness for Primary Education in Kenya. African Journal of Empirical Research, 4(2), 1186–1194. https://doi.org/10.51867/ajernet.4.2.120
  6. Grace Buluma Bakesia, Olayo Nereah Rose, Gladys Jepkorir Mengich, Rose Atieno Opiyo (2023) Risk Factors for Depression Among Adolescents in Secondary Schools in Kakamega County, Kenya. American Journal of Applied Psychology 2023; 12(4): 102. ISSN: 2328-5664 (Print); ISSN: 2328-5672. http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/j/ajap DOI: https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajap.20231204.13
  7. Ken Kathukumi Poipoi Moses & Atieno Rose Opiyo ( 2023) Effects of COVID-19-Related Stress on Performance of Academic Staff in Western Kenyan Public Universities East African Journal of Education and Social Sciences EAJESS March –April 2023, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 87-93 ISSN: 2714-2132 (Online), 2714-2183 (Print). Published by G-Card DOI: https://doi.org/10.46606/eajess2023v04i02.0279
  8. Kisiang’ani Bahati Paul Amollo Odundo & Atieno Opiyo Rose ( 2022) Effect of Parental Communication on Learner Achievement in Mathematics Activities in Chwele Zone, Kabuchai Sub-County, Bungoma County, Kenya East African Journal of Education Studies eajes.eanso.org Volume 5, Issue 3, 2022 | Online ISSN: 2707-3947: DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/2707-3947
  9. Bella Omollo & Rose Atieno Opiyo ( 2022) Prevalence of HIV-Related Stigma among HIV Infected Adolescents in SamiaSub County, Kenya Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy, Vol.12 Iss.4 No:1000439
  10. Herbert Amunavi Obeywa Teresa A. Okoth-Oluoch, Rose Atieno Opiyo & Prof. Aggrey Mukasa Simiyu ( 2022) ,Efficacy of Professional Documents in Early Childhood Development Education Curriculum Implementation in Kenya DOI:https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.5.2.832
  11. Rose Atieno Opiyo (2022) Teacher Education Students’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Retooling the Mentorship Process Within Schools of Education in Kenya African Journal of Teacher Education https://doi.org/10.21083/ajote.v11i1.6771
  12. Godfrey Ejuu & Rose Atieno Opiyo (2022) Nurturing Ubuntu, The African Form Of Human Flourishing Through Inclusive Home Based Early Childhood Education Front. Educ., 17 https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/feduc.2022.838770/full
  13. Rose Atieno Opiyo, Ejuu Godfrey, Ouda Bill James, Nanyama Elizabeth Mabele, Sorhe Doreen, Waswa Martha, Gillian Khaseyi, Awuor Vivian, Lumiti Isabella1&Luembo Harriet (2022) Caregivers Knowledge, Attitude and Practices For Inclusive Home Based Child Care And Education In Kenya Journal Of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 27, Issue 1, Series 7 (January. 2022) 50-62 e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845. www.iosrjournals.org DOI: https://doi.org/10.9790/0837-2701075062
  14. Bella Omollo, Atieno Rose Opiyo and Manson Sichari (2022) Manifestations of Stigma among HIV Infected Adolescents in Samia Sub-County, Busia, Kenya The International Journal Of Humanities & Social Studies ISSN 2321 - 9203 Www.Theijhss.Com 122 Vol 10 Issue 4 Doi No.: 10.24940
  15. Khaseyi Gillian, Atieno Rose Opiyo and Otieno Kenneth (2022) Fine Motor Proficiency as a Predictor of Pen Handling Among Pre-Primary 1 Learners In Kakamega East Sub County, Kakamega County, Kenya IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 27, Issue 6, Series 5 (June. 2022) 01-07 e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279- 0845.www.iosrjournals.org DOI: 10.9790/0837-2706050107 www.iosrjournals.org
  16. Rose Atieno Opiyo, Dinnah Akosa Okwiri and Thomas Ong’ondo Ng’ambwa (2021) Sociodemographic Variables Predicting Communities COVID-19 Knowledge: Evidence from Ikolomani Subcounty Kenya Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research: www.jamdsr.com doi: 10.21276/jamdsr Indian Citation Index (ICI) Index Copernicus value = 91.86 (e) ISSN Online: 2321-9599; (p) ISSN Print: 2348-6805
  17. Rose Atieno Opiyo, Dinnah Akosa Okwiri and Thomas Ong’ondo Ng’ambwa (2022) Sociodemographic Variables Predicting Communities COVID-19 Knowledge: Evidence from Ikolomani Subcounty Kenya: Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research www.jamdsr.com doi: 10.21276 ISSN Online: 2321-9599; (p) ISSN Print: 2348-6805
  18. Bella Omollo and Atieno Rose Opiyo (2021) Prevalence Of HIV- Related Stigma Among HIV Infected Adolescents in Samia - Sub County, Busia, Kenya. IOSR Journal Of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 26, Issue 12, Series 6 (December. 2021) 39-50 e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845. www.iosrjournals.org
  19. Samuel O. Obaki and Atieno Opiyo Rose (2014).A Concerted Effort in Eliminating Reading Deficiencies in Kenyan Elementary School Children 6– 8 years of age International Journal of Current Research (IJCR) 12, pp.10675-10680, Dec, 2014 Available online at http://www.journalcra.com.
  20. James Bill Ouda, Rose Atieno Opiyo and Wambiya Pascal (2014) Quality Education for the Pastoralist in Public Primary Schools in Kajiado County, Kenya: Case Study of Dupoto-E-Maa Education Project in Kajiado Central District International Journal of Advanced Research(IJAR) Journal homepage: http://www.journalijar.com.
  21. Alice Masese and Rose Atieno Opiyo (2012): Attainment of Kenyan Vision 2030 and Education for All: Consequences of Floods in Nyando Basin; Kisumu County.

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