Contact details
Department of Pure and applied Chemistry
School of Natural Sciences
PO Box 190-50100
Kakamega, KENYA
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Researcher ID: C-7995-2014
Google Scholar: UWpeN8kAAAAJ&hl=en
Prof. Francis Orata Omoto
Director of Research and Postgraduate Support, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology. Associate Professor and Researcher at Pure and Applied Chemistry Department, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST). Postdoc research at the Department of Applied Environmental Science (ITM), Stockholm University, Sweden. Postdoc at the Department of Instrumental and Analytical Chemistry, Duisburg-Essen University. Obtained PHD from Johannes Gutenburg-universität, Mainz, Germany in 2009, where I worked at IWW Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wasserforschung gemeinnützige GmbH, Biebesheim, Germany, the former ESWE which is a respected institute in the field of water and engineering research. Research in Persistent Organic Chemicals Pollutants Remediation, Degradation, Chemicals analysis in various matrices and Toxicological aspects.
Field of Chemistry: Associate professor and researcher in Environmental & Toxicological Chemistry
Teaches: Environmental & Toxicological chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Industrial chemistry, Physical chemistry, Analytical Chemistry
Field of Chemistry : Professor of Environmental & Toxicological Chemistry
Teaches : Environmental & Toxicological chemistry, inorganic Chemistry, Physical chemistry, analytical Chemistry
Post Doc/Guest researcher . Department of Instrumental & Analytical Chemistry, Duisburg-Essen University: Germany
Post Doc/Guest researcher . Department of Applied Environmental Science (ITM), Stockholm University, Sweden
Ph.D. Chemistry , Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz, Germany
M.Sc. Environmental Chemistry , University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya
B.Sc. Chemistry , University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya
Some of the published work:-
- Fred Sifuna Wanyonyi, Francis Orata, Ponnadurai Ramasami, Emily Ngeno, Victor Shikuku, Robert O. Gembo, Gershom Kyalo Mutua & Anthony Pembere. Unlocking the adsorptive effectiveness of naturally occurring heulandite zeolite for the removal of PO43− and NO3− anions from wastewater.Publishedin Environmental Monitoring and Assessment on 20 December 2024. DOI:
- Fred S. Wanyonyi, Francis Orata, Gershom K. Mutua, Michael O. Odey, Sizwe Zamisa, Sopuruchukwu E. Ogbodo , Francis Maingi, Anthony Pembere. Application of South African heulandite (HEU) zeolite for the adsorption and removal of Pb2+ and Cd2+ ions from aqueous water solution: Experimental and computational study. Published:July 16 in Hiliyon, 2024DOI:
- Emily Ngeno, Roselyn Ongulu, Francis Orata, Henry Matovu, Victor Shikuku, Richard Onchiri, Abel Mayaka, Eunice Majanga, Zachary Getenga, Joel Gichumbi, Patrick Ssebugere. Endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater treatment plants in Kenya, East Africa: Concentrations, removal efficiency, mass loading rates and ecological impacts. Published on 1st November 2023 in Environmental Research.DOI:
- Shehu Shagari Awandu, Alfred Ochieng Ochieng, Benson Onyango, Richard Odongo Magwanga, Pamela Were, Angeline Atieno Ochung', Fredrick Okumu,Marceline Adhiambo Oloo, Jim Seth Katieno, Shirley Lidechi, Fredrick Ogutu,Dorothy Awuor, Joy Nyangasi Kirungu, Francis Orata , Justine Achieng, Bonface Oure, Regina Nyunja, Eric MO Muok, Stephen Munga, Benson Estambale. High seroprevalence of Immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgM antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in asymptomatic and symptomatic individuals amidst vaccination roll-out in western Kenya. Published on 22nd December 2022 in PLOS ONE. DOI:
- F. Orata, J. Kassilly, E. Majanga, W. Shivoga, B. Lilechi, RM Suguvi, EM Namusasi. Surveillance, preparedness and challenges of home-based care for COVID-19 patients and health workers in western Kenya. Published on 25th October 2022.
- Flora Chirikona, Natalia Quinete, Jesleen Gonzalez, Gershom Mutua, Selly Kimosop and Francis Orata .Occurrence and Distribution of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances from Multi-Industry Sources to Water, Sediments and Plants along Nairobi River Basin, Kenya.Published: 23 July 2022 International Journal of Environmental Research and public Health. DOI:
- Selly Jemutai-Kimosop, Veronica A. Okello, Victor O. Shikuku,*, Francis Orata , Zachary M. Getenga. Synthesis of mesoporous akaganeite functionalized maize cob biochar for adsorptive abatement of carbamazepine: Kinetics, isotherms, and thermodynamics. Cleaner Materials. Volume 5, September 2022, 100104. DOI:
- Fred Sifuna Wanyonyi, Timothy Tizhe Fidelis, Hitler Louis, Gershom Kyalo Mutua, Francis Orata , Lydia Rhyman, Ponnadurai Ramasami, Anthony MSPembere. Simulation Guided Prediction of Zeolites for the Sorption of Selected Anions from Water: Machine Learning Predictors for Enhanced Loading.Journal of Molecular Liquids
published 18 March 2022. - Fred Sifuna Wanyonyi, Timothy Tizhe Fidelis, Gershom Kyalo Mutua, Francis Orata , Anthony MS Pembere (2021) Role of pore chemistry and topology in the heavy metal sorption by zeolites: From molecular simulation to machine learning. Computational Materials Science 195 (2021) 110519. DOI:
- Wanyonyi, FS, Pembere, A., Mutua, GK Orata, F et al. Computational screening of zeolites for the adsorption of selected pharmaceutical pollutants. SN Appl. Sci. 2, 1901 (2020).
- Selly Jemutai-Kimosop, Francis Orata , Victor Shikuku, Veronica A. Okello, Zachary Moranga Getenga (2019) Insights on adsorption of carbamazepine onto iron oxide modified diatomaceous earth: Kinetics, isotherms, thermodynamics, and mechanisms. EnvironmentalResearch. DOI:
- Oremo, J, F Orata, J Owino, W Shivoga (2019). Assessment of heavy metals in benthic macroinvertebrates, water and sediments in River Isiukhu, Kenya. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 191 (11), 646. DOI:
- Jane Oremo, Francis Orata , Joseph Owino, William Shivoga (2010). Assessment of Available Phosphates and Nitrates Levels in Water and Sediments of River Isiukhu, Kenya. DOI: 10.12691/aees-8-3-7.
- F. Orata and Faith Birgen (2016). Fish Tissue Bio-concentration and Interspecies Uptake of Heavy Metals from Waste Water Lagoons Journal of Pollution Effects & Control. J Pollut Eff Cont 2016, 4:2.
- Fred W. Sifuna, F rancis Orata , Veronica Okello and Selly Jemutai-Kimosop. (2016). Phosphate and sulfate supporting electrolytes comparative studies in electrochemical degradation of sulfamethoxazole and diclofenac in water using various electrodes. Journal of environmental science and health, part A. 2016, vol. 0, no. 0, 1–8. DOI:
- Selly Jemutai Kimosop & ZM Getenga & F. Orata & VA Okello & JK Cheruiyot. Residue levels and discharge loads of antibiotics in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), hospital lagoons, and rivers within Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya. Environ Monit Assess (2016) 188:532 DOI:
- Chirikona, Marko Filipovic, Seline Ooko, Francis Orata . Perfluoroalkyl acids in selected wastewater treatment plants and their discharge load within the Lake Victoria basin in Kenyan. Environ. Mornitoring. & Accessesment. April 2015, 187:238. Doi:
- ISBN 9781315296364, Book chapter: Francis Orata Omoto : 2018. Conventional Wastewater Treatment Plants as a Discharge and Source Point for Biota Exposure to Micro-pollutants, In: Ecotoxicology, Perspectives on Key Issues, Editors, Rachel Ann Hauser-Davis, Thiago Estevam Parente . Chapter 11. DOI:
- ISBN 978-953-51-0298-4, Book chapter: Orata Francis ,. 2012: Advanced Gas Chromatography - Progress in Agricultural, Biomedical and Industrial Applications. Chapter entitled "Derivatization Reactions and Reagents for Gas Chromatography Analysis". InTech - Open Access Publisher. Chapter 5: 83-108. DOI:
- ISBN13: 9781799818717; Orata, F. (2020). Chemicals of Emerging Concern in Surface and Wastewater: A Perspective of Their Fate within the Lake Victoria Catchment Area of Kenya. In V. Shikuku (Ed.), Effects of Emerging Chemical Contaminants on Water Resources and Environmental Health (pp. 1-16). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. DOI: .
- Onchiri R, Mayaka A, Majanga A, Ongulu R, Orata F, Getenga ZM, Gichumbi JM, Ogora EN ”Phthalate Levels in Wastewater Treatment Plants of Lake Victoria Basin” Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 2021. Published in December 16th 2021. DOI :
Book Chapters.
- Francis Orata , Fred Sifuna. Uptake, Bioaccumulation, Partitioning of Lead (Pb) and Cadmium (Cd) in Aquatic Organisms in Contaminated Environments. Published i Tailor and Francis in 2023.
Research project and Innovation.
Towards Covid-19 Containment: Geo-app Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 and Effectiveness of Home-Based Care in Western Region of Kenya.
- Towards COVID-19 Containment: Serological, Faecal and Wastewater Epidemiological Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in Support of Home-Based Isolation and Care in Kenya
- UK-Africa Network to Streangthen Environmental Initiatives to monitor and Control Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Spread in Lake Victoria Basin. Grant. Academy of Medical Sciences.
- Use of locally available plant resources for phytoremediation of potable water contaminated by endocrine disrupting chemicals.
- ProUniEdu-WeK, a DAAD funded project Between MMUST and Technical University of Brandenburg