Prof. John Vincent Omondi Muoma

Prof. John Vincent Omondi Muoma

Contact details

Department: Biological Sciences

muomaSchool: School of Natural Sciences MMUST

P.O. Box 190-50100

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Web of Science Research ID: ABD-2725-2020

Google Scholar: sTqImoEAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao

  Prof. John Vincent Omondi Muoma.

Associate Professor of Plant Biotechnology

Director Science Park Innovation and Incubation Center (SPIIC)

Prof John Muoma is an associate Professor of Molecular Biology and Plant Biotechnology. He holds a PhD in Biotechnology from Kenyatta University through a sandwich program between Kenyatta University and Iowa State University funded by the Rockefeller foundation. Professor Muoma is Fulbright fellow an award which was tenured at Wacksman Institute of Microbiology, Rutgers University, US. He has 23 years of teaching experience at the University where he has taught and developed programs in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology and related sciences. He is the program leader in MSc Biotechnology and molecular biology programs and has contributed to the growth of the Biotechnology laboratory in MMUST through a 1 million USD equipment grant for the Department of Biological Sciences. His research work is focused on using modern biology tools in developing new crop management systems to conserve and improve crop production. Prof. Muoma is a TWAS UNESCO fellow working with Center of Genomics Sciences, Cuernavaca, Mexico on how to improve Nitrogen fixation in common Bean varieties grown in Kenya. As a Genetic Engineering working  with group of scientist regionally and internationally on molecular platfrom using high-throughtput molecular biology systems to map genes and see on how they can improve plants output.  At the University Professor Muoma is the director of the University Science Park Innovation and Incubation Centre (SPIIC) where he coordinates Innovation activities and assist in facilitation of Intellectual Property right Protection. At National level he is reviewer of the National Biosafety Authority dossier.

Some of his key published works include: -

  1. Kelvin Kiprotich, Esther Muema, Clabe Wekesa, Tavasi Ndombi, John Muoma, Dennis Omayio, Dennis Ochieno, Hamond Motsi, Sipho Mncedi & Janet Tarus. Unveiling the roles, mechanisms and prospects of soil microbial communities in sustainable agriculture. Published on 17th January 2025 in Discover Soil. DOI:
  2. Harrison Onyango, Grace Gitau,John Muoma,Patrick Okoth. Ligand-based pharmacophore modeling, virtual screening, and molecular dynamics simulations of Pfhsp90 fingerprints in Plasmodium malaria treatment. Published on 1st October 2024 in Computational and Structural Biotechnology. DOI:
  3. Okello Harrison Onyango , Cynthia Mugo Mwenda, Grace Gitau, John Muoma, Patrick Okoth. Published on 30th November 2023 in Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology.In‑silico analysis of potent Mosquirix vaccine adjuvant leads.DOI:
  4. Clabe Wekesa, Kelvin Kiprotich, Patrick Okoth, George O. Asudi, John O. Muoma,Alexandra C. U. Furch and Ralf Oelmüller. Molecular Characterization of Indigenous Rhizobia from Kenyan Soils Nodulating with Common Beans. Published on 30th May 2023 in International Journal of Molecular Science. DOI:
  5. Kelvin Kiprotich,John Muoma,Dennis O. Omayio , Tavasi S. Ndombi ,and Clabe Wekesa. Molecular Characterization and Mineralizing Potential of Phosphorus Solubilizing Bacteria Colonizing Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Rhizosphere in Western Kenya. Published in International Journal of Microbiology on 1st March 2023. DOI:
  6. Clabe Wekesa, George O. Asudi ,Patrick Okoth,Michael Reichelt,John O. Muoma,Alexandra C. U. Furch 1 and Ralf Oelmüller. Rhizobia Contribute to Salinity Tolerance in Common Beans(Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Published on 16th November 2022 in Cell.  DOI:
  7. Clabe Wekesa,John O. Muoma,Michael Reichelt ,George O. Asudi,Alexandra C. U. Furch and Ralf Oelmüller. The Cell Membrane of a Novel Rhizobium phaseoli Strain Is the Crucial Target for Aluminium Toxicity and Tolerance.Published on 3 March 2022 in CELL. DOI:
  8. Clabe Wekesa, Abdul A. Jalloh, John O. Muoma, Hezekiah Korir, Keziah M. Omenge, John M. Maingi, Alexandra C. U. Furch and Ralf Oelmüller. Distribution, Characterization and the Commercialization of Elite Rhizobia Strains in Africa.Published: 13 June 2022. International Journal of Molecular Science. DOI:
  9. Olipher Makwaga, Maureen Adhiambo, David Hughes Mulama, John Muoma, Ferdinard Adungo, Humphrey Wanjiku, Asiko Ongaya, Geoffrey Mutisya Maitha, Matilu Mwau. Prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus-1 drug-resistant mutations among adults on first- and second-line antiretroviral therapy in a resource-limited health facility in Busia County, Kenya. Pan Afr Med J. 2020 Dec 3. DOI:
  10. Fanuel Kawaka. John Muoma.Distribution and phenotypic characteristics of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) nodulating bacteria in diverse soils. Published online: 19 Aug 2020. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B — Soil & Plant Science. DOI:
  11. David Alan Read, John Muoma, Genevieve Dawn Thompson. Metaviromic analysis reveals coinfection of papaya in western Kenya with a unique strain of Moroccan watermelon mosaic virus and a novel member of the family Alphaflexiviridae.Arch Virol. 2020 May.DOI:
  12. Fanuel Kawaka, Huxley Makonde, Mathews Dida, Peter Opala, Omwoyo Ombori, John Maingi, John Muoma. Genetic diversity of symbiotic bacteria nodulating common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in western Kenya.PLoS One.2018 Nov 15. DOI:
  13. Fanuel Kawaka, Mathews Dida, Peter Opala, Omwoyo Ombori,John Maingi, Alice Amoding,John Muoma. Effect of nitrogen sources on the yield of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in western Kenya. Journal of Plant Nutrition. Volume 41, 2018 Nov 15 - Issue 13. DOI:
  14. Fanuel Kawaka, Huxley Makonde, Mathews Dida, Peter Opala, Omwoyo Ombori, John Maingi, John Muoma. Genetic diversity of symbiotic bacteria nodulating common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in western Kenya. PLoS One. 2018 Nov 15. DOI:
  15. Wamalwa ENI, Muoma J, Muyekho FN, Wekesa C and Ajanga Genetic Diversity of Fusarium Oxysporum Races Associated with Cowpea Fields in Kakamega County. Fungal Genom Biol, an open access journal ISSN:2165-8056 Volume 8 • Issue 2 • 1000156. DOI:
  16. Emily Wamalwa, John Muoma, and Clabe Wekesa (2016) Genetic Diversity of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) Accession in Kenya Gene Bank Based on Simple Sequence Repeat Markers. DOI:
  17. Naluyange V., Ochieno D.M.W., Maingi J.M., Ombori O., Mukaminega D., Amoding A., Odendo M., Okoth S.A., Shivoga W.A. & Muoma J.V.O. (2014). Compatibility of Rhizobium inoculant and water hyacinth compost formulations in Rosecoco bean and consequences on Aphis fabae and Colletotrichum lindemuthianum Applied Soil Ecology 76: 68-77.
  18. Kawaka, J.F.; Kimenju, J.W.; Ayodo, G.; Mwaniki, S.W.; Muoma, J.O.; Okoth, S.A.; Orinda, G.O. Impact of land use on the distribution and diversity of entomopathogenic nematodes in Embu and Taita Districts, Kenya.Published in Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems in 2011.
  19. J. Muoma, O. Ombori and M. Jesse. Signal Transduction One of the Current Molecular Approaches in the Management of Drought Stress in the Sub-Saharan Region. April 2010 Biotechnology(Faisalabad) 9(4).DOI:
  20. J. Muoma; G. Muluvi; J. Machuka. In vitro Regeneration by Indirect Organogenesis of Selected Kenyan Maize Genotypes using Shoot Apices. Published in Biotechnology on September 15, 2008. DOI:

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