Prof. Eng. Bernadette W. Sabuni

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Department of Civil And Structural Engineering

School of Engineering And Built Environment

Masinde Muliro University of Science &Technology

P.O. Box 190-50100 Kakamega, KENYA

Office no. LBB 205 [ 2nd floor]

Kakamega-Webuye Road

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        Prof. Eng. Bernadette W. Sabuni

Prof. Eng. Bernadette Waswa Sabuni holds a PhD in Disaster Preparedness and Engineering Management specializing in engineering disaster mitigation in terms of use of alternative and appropriate building materials and technologies, MPhil and BSc in Civil Engineering. She is a Civil engineer by profession, Registered by Engineers Board of Kenya and a member of Institution of Engineers of Kenya. She is a member of Association of Disaster Management and Conflict Resolution of Kenya and member of Association of African Women in Science and Engineering (AWSE).

 Prof. Sabuni started her career at Nairobi City Council as assistant Engineer, University of Nairobi as Chief Technologist, then Research Fellow. Her academic and research interests are in engineering structures and building materials. The cost of building materials is on the rise becoming unaffordable to majority of our population. Use of alternative building materials and technologies is recommended to reduce cost of construction. While at Housing and Building Research Institute, University of Nairobi, she worked with a team that researched and disseminated low cost building materials which included stabilized soil blocks and pozzolana cements. It is worth noting that the cement in use now is Portland Pozzolana, where the manufacturers use natural pozzolanas. Stabilized soil blocks are now in use. Her research interest currently is in the use of artificial pozzolanas, especially ashes from agricultural wastes which are environmental hazards, such as sugar cane bagasse ash, rice husk ash in construction. At Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Prof. Sabuni has been a chairperson of Civil and Structural Engineering Department, Quality Assurance Director, Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic & Student Affairs and is currently serving as the Dean, School of Engineering and Built Environment, where she has been leading a programme on Industry-Academia Linkages, sponsored by the Royal Academy of Engineering under the Higher Education Partnerships in the Sub-Saharan Africa (HEPSSA). I the year 2021, Prof. B. Sabuni received a “Distinguished woman in Engineering Education Award” for having played a significant role in engineering education in Kenya.

As a quality assurance director, she spearheaded processes at the University to ISO 9001:2008 certification. She is a trained Lead Quality Auditor. Prof. Sabuni continues to do monitoring and evaluation of processes at MMUST.

She is serving her second term as Trustee member of the MMUST Staff Retirement Benefits Scheme.

She attained her PhD Disaster Preparedness and Engineering Management (2015), from MMUST and MPhil  in Civil Engineering University of Glamorgan, Wales, UK (1992). She holds a BSc in Civil Engineering from University of Nairobi (1989).

She is Member of Engineering Board of Kenya (A3010), Institution of Engineers of Kenya (M4630), Association of Disaster Management and Conflict Resolution of Kenya, and a certified Lead Quality Auditor

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