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Department of Journalism and Mass Communication
School of Arts and Social Sciences (SASS) - MMUST
P.O. Box 190-50100
Kakamega, KENYA
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ResearcherID: ABJ-2832-2022
Dr. Lydia Anyonje.
Dr. Lydia Anyonje is a researcher and University senior lecturer with strong academic grounding and extensive expertise in Communication Training and Management, Mentorship, Higher Education Curriculum Development, Public Relations, Community Mobilization and Advocacy with special interest in the youth, children, women and other vulnerable groups.
Dr. Anyonje is currently teaching at the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication at Masinde Muliro University of Science & Technology (MMUST). She has supervised and mentored students in Communication both at Masters and PhD levels.
She holds a doctorate degree in Communication Studies from Moi University and a Masters of Arts in Communication Studies from University of Nairobi’s School of Journalism. She specializes in Development Communication with a specific focus on Culture, New Media, Corporate Communication and Media Practice.
Her research interests include Media Training, New Media, Public Relations, Development Communication, Mass Media Trends, Political and Development Communication, Sexualities and Gender Studies, Indigenous Knowledge and practice , Communication for Community Development, Feature writing and Feature documentaries, Photography, videography, graphics and graphic designing Communication in Peace and Conflict Studies, Health and Environmental Communication, and African Media Practice.
Dr. Lydia Anyonje is the current Director, Directorate of Corporate Communications and Marketing as well as the Departmental Post Graduate Committee Chairperson at the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication. She is responsible for revamping, reorganizing and transforming the directorate into a formidable, professionally run University communication and marketing outfit. Her expertise stretches to communication programme planning, implentation and mamangement to research communication, media liaison and community engagement starategy.
Some of her Publication:
- Beryl Teresa Adhiambo, Lydia Anyonje, Egara Kabaji.Communication Strategies Employed By 103.9 MMUST Fm to Capture Listeners’ Attention Regarding COVID-19 Pandemic in Lurambi Sub-County, Kenya. Punblished on 9th November 2024 in African Journal of Empirical Research. DOI:
- Lucy Mandillah, Annette Okoth, Pamela Buhere, Lydia Anyonje, Christine Wanjala, James Bill Ouda, Judith Achoka. Gender inclusion in research among academic members of staff: Lessons from Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kenya. Published on 13th April 2023 in Nairobi Journal of Humanities and social sciences.DOI:
- Otteng, O., Wenje, P., Kiptoo, M., Anyonje, L., & Mwangi, M. (2020). Using the Health Belief Model to Identify Communication Needs in the Male Circumcision Campaigns to Prevent HIV/AIDS in Siaya County of Kenya. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 7(6) 370- 388.DOI:
- Mwongela Francis, Wenje Peres, Anyonje Lydia, and Kirimi M'Raiji J.,(2019) Assessing Adoption of New Communication Technologies for Co-Operative Development in Kenya in International Journal of Media, Journalism and Mass Communications (IJMJMC) Volume 5, Issue 3, 2019, PP 1-12 ISSN 2454-9479. DOI: :
- Ogutu Robert Peter, Dr. Busolo Hillary Oundo and Dr. Lydia Anyonje (2018), ‘The effect of store image and price on store brand equity: Evidence from supermarkets in Kenya’ in IOSR Journal of Business Management, Volume 20, Issue 10. ISSN : 2278-487X (online). DOI:
- Doreen Muyonga and Lydia Anyonje (2016) Assessment of Atitudes of TV Audiences regarding Migration from Analogue to Digital TV in Nairobi, Kenya in Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Volume 2, Issue 12. ISSN: 2454- 1362 (Online). Corpus ID: 114960945
- Lydia Anyonje (2014) ‘Form and Performance of Traditional Dirges among Abashisa People of Western Kenya’ in Kenya Journal of Musical Arts (KJMA) Volume 2. ISSN: 2306-0549
- Nyandiba Carren and Anyonje Lydia (2013) ‘Stepping on a live Wire: Metaphors for HIV/AIDS Risk Reduction among the Abagusii of Kenya’ in the International Journal for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction (IJDMRR) Volume 5. ISSN: 1992-2744
- Anyonje Lydia and Nyandiba Carren (2013) ‘Mass Media, the Church and the Quest for Peace in Africa’ in the International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. Published by Center for Promoting Ideas, USA. ISSN: 2220-8488 (Print)/ ISSN: 2221-0989 ( Online).
- Lydia Anyonje and Perez Wenje (2011) ‘Ethical Issues in the Kenyan Media Practice: What separates the Good Writers and Publishers from the Frauds and Con Artists?’ in the Journal of Education and Social Science Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (JESS). Issue Number 2 Volume 1. ISSN:2223-490X