Rev. Dr. Juma Injendi

injendiContact Details
Department of Education Foundations.
School of Education
P.O. BOX 190- 50100
Kakamega, Kenya
Office No: MEA 011
Kakamega- Webuye Road
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ResearcherID; GLT-0237-2022


Google Scholar: omEJ4E0AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao

Rev. Dr. Juma Injendi

Rev Dr. Juma Injendi is a Senior Lecturer of PhIlosophy of Education.He is also the  Chairperson of the Department of Educational Foundations in the School of Education at Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology.He oversees the daily operations of the department for both Academic and Non-Academic staff. Dr.Injendi holds a Doctorate Degree in Peace and Conflict Studies from Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (2014), Master of Education (Philosophy of Education) from the University of Nairobi (2009), a Bachelor of Education Arts from Kenyatta University (2003) as well as a P1 Certicate(1992). .He is the founding Chairperson of the Department of Education Studies at Webuye Campus.

He served in  Kibabii University as the founding Charperson of Foundational Foundation, Education Planning and Management, Education Psychology and Criminology and Social Work.

He has supervised 3 PhD and 5 Masters.

His professional Fellowships and Accreditations Certifications are;
1. Association of Disaster Management and Conflict Resolution of Kenya

His Key Publications:

  1. Mwenesi Jephthar, Joseph W. Nasongo,Juma Injendi.Exploring Teachers’ Lived Experiences with Regard to Alternatives to Corporal Punishment in Addressing Moral Decline in Secondary Schools in Bungoma County, Kenya. Published on 61th January 2025 in African Journal of Empirical Research . DOI:


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