Dr. Herman J. Wachiye

harmanContact details
Department of Education Planning and mgmt
School of Education (MMUST)
P.O. Box 190-50100
Kakamega, KENYA
Office no. MEA 014
Kakamega-Webuye Road
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Links: Publons.com
ResearcherID: ABA-4221-2022

Google Scholar: ZceufoAAAAJ&hl=en&authuser=5

Dr. Herman, J. Wachiye

Dr.Herman.J,Wachiye holds a Doctor of Philosophy(PhD) degree in Planning and Economics of Education . He is a Senior lecturer in the Department of Educational Planning and Management at the university, specialising in planning and economics of education. His academic and research interest are; equity studies in education, financing of education,internal efficiency in education and policy studies. In addition to this, Dr Wachiye has published extensively in the area of equity in education and financing of education .He is involved in the development of new academic programmes and in the supervision of graduate students in research and thesis writing at the university.

Key published works

  1. Wachiye,H.J.,Nyerere,J.K.A.,&.,Rugar,T.O.(2022). Subsidized secondary education policy on the pass rates in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education in public secondary schools in Bungoma County,Kenya.International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science.Vol.6 (4).pp.166-170.DOI:10.4772/IJRISS
  2. Wachiye,H.J.(2021).Tuition fees waiver on the crude cohort wastage rates in public secondary schools in Bungoma County,Kenya .International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology. Vol.8. (7).pp. 17- 23.
  3. Wachiye, H.J. (2017). Free secondary education and the status of equity in public secondary schools in Bungoma County,Kenya .International Journal of Multidisciplinary Education and Research. Vol.2. (5).pp.7-13.
  4. Wachiye,H.J.(2017). Effect of tuition waiver on internal efficiency in public secondary schools in Bungoma County,Kenya.International Journal of Advanced Educational Research.Vol.2 (5).pp.6-11.
  5. Wachiye,H.J., &., Epari,C.E.(2014).Understanding costs in education,In:Strategic organizational planning and management : An introduction,Ch.5,M,K.Julius and N,Judah[editors],Research Signpost. ISBN:978-81-308-0545-0.
  6. Wachiye,H.J.,&.,Nasongo,W.J.(2010).Access to secondary school education through the constituency bursary fund in Kanduyi constituency,Kenya.Educational Research and Reviews.Vol.5(5).pp.224-236.
  7. Wachiye,H.J.,&.,Nasongo,W.J.(2009).Equity and access to university education through higher education loans in Bungoma district,Kenya.Educational Research and Reviews.Vol.4(10).pp.475-489.

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