Levis O. Wandolo

Mr. WandoloContact details

Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences

School of Public Health, Biomedical Sciences and Technology (SPHBST)

P.O. Box 190-50100

Kakamega, KENYA

Office no. Orange House, ABA 101

Kakamega-Webuye Road

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7530-2420

Linkeldn: linkedin.com/in/levis-o-wandolo-ifba-cp-50873114

Google Scholar: lo&hl=en&oi=ao


Levis O. Wandolo

Levis Wandolo, a Senior Medical Laboratory Technologist in the department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, holds a Bachelor of Science and diploma in medical laboratory sciences, with additional certification in biosafety and biorisk management (IFBA), project management (UW), leadership and management in health (UW), GCLP as well as ISO 15189:2012 (CDC Kenya). His area of interest revolves around tuberculosis, laboratory sample networking and biosafety and biosecurity. His major scholarly contribution is the research work he’s doing on TB infections among miners in Migori County.  Additionally, he’s credited with establishing the sample networking system between the remote health facilities in Migori County and the testing reference labs, which is currently in use for patients on ART and TB treatment. 

Some of his key published works include: -

  1. Tuberculosis and HIV Co-infection among miners at selected mining sites in Migori county, Kenya’, published 9th October 2023, Vol. 22, No.5 (2023), Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology, Pages 37-49; DOI: https://doi.org/10.4314/jagst.v23i1.4
  2. The Success of a Sample Networking Model: Lessons from Migori County, Kenya’ and published at the Egerton University 14th Biennial International Conference proceedings; (https://conferences.egerton.ac.ke/index.php/euc/article/view/31)
  3. Towards a sustainable hospital generated sharps management program: Lessons from Migori County, Kenya’ and published at the Egerton University 14th Biennial International Conference proceedings; (https://conferences.egerton.ac.ke/index.php/euc/article/view/26)

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