Department of Disaster Preparedness & Engineering Management
School of Disaster Management & Humanitarian Assistance (SDMHA), MMUST
P.O. Box 190-50100
Kakamega, KENYA
Office no. ABA 305
Kakamega-Webuye Road
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Google scholar: en&user=n3jiQBEAAAAJ
ResearcherID: KYP-5110-2024
Dr. Wekulo Saidi Fwamba holds a doctorate degree in Disaster Preparedness and Engineering Management. His areas of academic and research interest are in the fields of disaster preparedness and engineering management with a view of reducing the impact of disasters.His major scholarly contribution was his role in evaluating the impact of erosion of Isiukhu river catchment in Kakamega County. He currently serves as a part time lecturer in the department of Disaster Preparedness and Engineering Management.
Some of his key publications:
- SF Wekulo.An evaluation of agricultural knowledge and information systems In adoption: The case of grain amaranth production in Lugari, Kakamega County, Kenya. Published in 20213.
- Saidi Fwamba Wekulo. Evaluation of Land Use/Land Cover Change with Time in Assessing Soil Erosion Risk in Isiukhu River Catchment, Kakamega County, Kenya. Published: 2017 in American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS)
- Wekulo Saidi Fwamba, Samuel S China, Edward N Masibayi. Estimation of Spatial Distribution of Potential Soil Erosion Risk in Isiukhu River Catchment, Kakamega County, Kenya. published in 2017 in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)