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About us

Centre for African Medicinal and Nutritional Flora and Fauna (CAMNFF) is an academic, research, innovation and community outreach institute, which was established as a semi-autonomous Academic Centre of Excellence within Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) in the year 2016.

This institute is located within Kakamega County in Western Kenya, with its activities and networks extending beyond boundaries. Activities of CAMNFF are multidisciplinary based on Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services in both natural and human-influenced aquatic and terrestrial environments. Of immediate interest are microorganisms, plants, invertebrates and vertebrates that have potential of influencing or providing nutritional and medicinal benefits. These include organisms that dwell in soil ecosystems and aquatic ecosystems as well as symbionts of various flora and fauna. We are located within the biodiversity-rich but threatened Kakamega Tropical Rainforest Ecosystem, which is among the remnants of the Congo Basin Rainforest.

This region is within the Lake Victoria Basin that is interspersed by a network of rivers, streams and wetlands that pour into L. Victoria, the source of the great River Nile. The location is also adjacent to the Great Rift Valley and Mount Elgon in close proximity to the Kenya-Uganda International Boundary. Besides these are agroecosystems comprised small-holder and large-scale farms hosting various types of indigenous plants, field crops and livestock.

The fast-growing human population and unsustainable urbanization in this region has been a threat to biodiversity through destruction of ecosystems with increased vulnerability to climate change. CAMNFF is among a network of organizations that are working towards conserving the various ecosystems through sustainable use of biodiversity, in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and Agenda 2063 of the African Union. CAMNFF endeavors to continue being associated with global organizations  concerned with biodiversity policy, research and education.

The institute delivers on its mandates through five thematic sections namely; Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services Section, Health & Nutrition Section, Natural Products Chemistry Section, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry Section, and Product Development & Manufacturing Section.


Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services

Health & Nutrition

Natural Products Chemistry

Molecular Biology & Biochemistry

Product Development & Manufacturing

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