Kericho County located in the South Rift Valley region of Kenya has PLCs working on MIPIP with 39 teachers from 7 schools from both Kericho and Bomet Counties. The teachers work under the leadership of Dr. Joseph Kipkemoi Bii who is a co-investigator, a mathematics education specialist and senior lecturer at the University of Kabianga. The meeting was graced by educational stakeholders including the directors from MOE, TSC and QUASO and the Principal of Kabianga Boys National School.
Mathematics Teachers in a Sensitisation Workshop at the University of Kabianga
In the opening remarks by Prof. Maurice Oduor the DVC (Planning, Research and Development) and on behalf of the Vice- Chancellor of the University of Kabianga (Prof. Eric Koech), MIPIP team was welcomed to the University of Kabianga. The mathematics lecturer highlighted the benefits of the project in enhancing teacher working in small groups as they dialogue on the instructional practices. MIPIP promotes the teacher use of data to inform and improve practice and student learning outcomes. He appreciated the cardinal objectives of the IDRC funded project that has brought on board, experts in Mathematical pedagogy to improve the instructional practice in Mathematics in Secondary Schools. This is a well thought out problem if the existing statistics on the performance of Mathematics in learning institutions is anything to go by. He noted that, to meet the learning expectations of the students and other stakeholders, a lot is required from a Mathematics teacher in terms of methods and strategies.
He exuded confidence that the training focus on different methods and strategies of teaching Mathematics and in consideration of the students’ interests, needs, individual differences, difficulties and abilities.
The MIPIP in Kenya addresses a critical issue in mathematics education by focusing on the lack of effective teaching and learning of the subject in order to improve student’s achievement.
The workshop held on 25/01/2025 was aimed at strengthening teacher capacity through training with focus on MIPIP priorities. The teachers work together in analysis of learner errors, dialogue on data-driven practices and digitalization of content.
Address by the TSC Director (Kericho County MS
MIPIP focuses on the local needs of enhancing teacher capacity in mathematics endeavour to build rationale for mathematics instruction improvement by promoting peer learning and teaching, model lessons, culturally and linguistically responsive student-centered classroom practices, use of locally available materials, mathematization of environment, digitalization of content, attitude change and performance, collaboration and networking. The TSC Director emphasized the need for such opportunities for teacher professional development and encouraged the teachers to learn from one another and translate it into practice. Teachers were encouraged to develop student’s problem solving and disposition by creating and maintaining classroom environments, encouraging them to explore, take risks, share failures and successes and question one another.
MIPIP facilitates dialogue around instructional practices that impacts on learner achievement. The teachers are empowered to develop innovative teaching practices, and by sharing what they have learned with others, to build capacity for innovative teaching and research practices in mathematics. Teachers work together, share experiences, use of learner centered approaches and this has improved their knowledge, skills and practice. The teachers were encouraged to maintain productive discussions in PLCs with focus on the MIPIP priorities. MIPIP provides guidelines for effective facilitation and conversations and with the school leadership teams; this has really enhanced PLCs activities through collaborative learning.
MIPIP promotes GEI practices and as noted by the principal of Kabianga Boys National school, there was need for teachers to work together and share experiences as they handle learners in their schools. He pointed out for improved learner performance in mathematics, there is need for frequent assessments and timely reporting of feedback and which requires teacher commitment.
On his part, Dr. Otanga emphasized the following:
- Teaching is seen as a moral duty
- Self-imposed limitations hinder effective teaching in a mathematics class
- Imposed preferences limit one's potential in lesson delivery
- Mathematics is considered a catalyst for economic development
- Encouraged PLCs teachers to meet twice a week to review their progress with respect to error analysis.
The meeting provided an opportunity for teachers to share experiences and as one of the MIPIP priorities, teacher dialogue around data-driven practices was emphasized.
An interactive Session during the Workshop Teachers training session on MIPIP Activities
MIPIP promotes the teacher’s use of data driven practices and digitalization of learning materials through the learning management system. The teachers’ involvement in PLCs activities in schools and workshops enhances opportunities for continuous learning of teachers through dialogue around effective instructional practices: peer teaching & learning, learner centered classroom practices, use of locally available resources and mathematization of environment.
The speakers emphasized the need for teachers’ involvement in addressing needs of learners based on data driven evidence through identification of errors on mathematical tasks, causes of errors, learner thinking and how to address the errors through joint reflective lessons.
To provide a framework for preparation of teachers in TPCK for use of learning management system, the teachers were enlightened on the digitalization of content based on mathematical tasks, activities, examples, exercises and test problems. The involvement of teachers in this initiative was noted as a breakthrough to addressing attitudinal and lack of knowledge and skills challenges to ICT integration in pedagogical practices. As noted by the TSC director, this will go into ensuring teacher preparedness in TPCK for use of digital tools as part of the 21st Century skills.
Teachers in a consultative session under guidance of the Director of Education (Bomet County Dr. Yator )
MIPIP emphasizes Stakeholder Capacity Building (SCB) seeking to strengthen the abilities of educators, policymakers, community leaders, and families to drive positive change in education. The project's focus on supporting practice-based teacher mentorship programs aligns with SCB by providing training opportunities for educators. In his address, Dr. Yator- the TSC County Director Bomet noted the following:
- Maths is a compulsory subject that determines the student's career
- Encouraged teachers to embrace team teaching
- Urged teachers to prepare well before the lesson
- Underscored the importance of immediate feedback after scoring a test.
- Encouraged teachers to move an extra mile in assisting the time takers (slow learners).
- Effective teaching in mathematics calls for determination and commitment.
Address by Dr. Joseph K. Bii
In his address, Dr. Joseph Bii encouraged the teachers to focus on the MIPIP Priorities in schools. He highlighted the teachers need to focus on the MIPIP activities including analysis of learner errors, dialogue on data driven practices and digitalization of content.
Through the sensitization workshops, MIPIP enhances involvement mathematics education stakeholders in its activities. This is aimed to strengthen stakeholders’ knowledge, skill and attitudes in use of data and gender equality and inclusive practice to inform and improve practices and student learning outcomes in mathematics education.
The established Knowledge Network of Mathematics Educators (KNME) promotes gender equality and inclusivity initiatives in mathematics instruction. During the workshop, the TSC County director of Kericho took the opportunity to encourage the teachers to collaborate in their activities.
In his remarks, Dr. Levi Otanga, a mathematics lecturer highlighted the need to understand Mathematics is considered as a language of communication. Teaching of mathematics begins with positively identifying with the subject with emphasis to:
- Having dialogue with learners
- Engaging in a persuasive conversation with learner learners.
- Giving learners a decent academic exposure
The primary role of a teacher of mathematics is to provide a solid academic background which should culminate in a shared academic background.
What is true and therefore not disputable is that mathematics;
- Shapes the career paths of learners such as engineering, Applied Sciences, Architecture and other reputable disciplines
- Helps learners to think logically and critically
- Helps learners to make innovative and creative use of their minds
- Helps learners to understand the world around them, find structural relations and make predictions
It is undeniably true that teaching of mathematics comes with so many challenges. Such challenges limit our intellectual growth and curriculum delivery. The challenges as categorized as follows;
Self-imposed challenges are teacher related and student related
- Teacher related challenges include
- Lack of skills and relevant competences
- Lack of exposure e.g. Technological
- Confinement to traditional classroom teaching methods
- Resistance to new ideas
- Lack of adaptability
- Student related challenges include
- Fear and anxiety towards mathematics
- Lack of aptitude for mathematics
- Lack of commitment
- Lack of supportive skills e.g. language and reading skills
- Socially imposed preferences either from family or peers
- Lack of a motivational background and role models
Students sometimes bow to social expectations which limit teaching of mathematics. Environmental restrictions include;
- Cultural stereotypes e.g. Mathematics is for boys or men
- Restricted access to technology
- Lack of resources
- Large class sizes
In concluding, he pointed out that the workshop served to illustrate why it is important to come together for purposes of improving the teaching of mathematics. Teaching of mathematics should be instructive and persuasive and hence advised the participants to;
- To define goals and set standards for themselves.
- Explore the utility of different teaching methods
- Take a collective approach to solving problems
“This work was supported by the Global Partnership for Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange, a joint endeavour with the International Development Research Centre, Canada.”
“The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of IDRC or its Board of Governors.”