MIPIP seeks to improve the use of data to inform and improve instructional practice and student learning outcomes in mathematics in Kenya. UasinGishu and Nandi Counties are located in the North Rift Valley region of Kenya and have PLCs working in MIPIP with 30 teachers from five schools. The PLCs work under Ms Ednah Mulwa, a mathematics education lecturer based at Moi University, Eldoret and Ms Ruth Songok from the department of Science and Mathematics Education, MMUST.
The workshop held on 26/01/2025 brought together 30 teachers from 5 schools from the 2 counties. This was aimed at strengthening teacher capacity building through training with focus on MIPIP priorities. The MIPIP priorities are analysis of learner errors, dialogue on data-driven practices and digitalization of content.
Members present at a MIPIP sensitization workshop held at The East Horizon Resort (Eldoret)
The Professional Learning Community (PLC) members including the County QUASO rep (Ms Josephine Towett) and Mr. Lianda Mauyo (Researcher, MMUST) were in attendance
The meeting was led by the PI Professor Martin Wanjala, MS Ednah Mulwa (Team leader) and MS Ruth Songok (Secretariat Head MIPIP).
One of the objectives of MIPIP is to generate knowledge and evidence on data-driven pedagogical and inclusive practices that improve student learning outcomes and promote gender equality and inclusiveness in mathematics education. The teachers were taken through the training on MIPIP priorities with focus on error analysis, data driven practices, identification, selection and use of instructional materials and digitalization of content. Through the activities, MIPIP promotes continuous learning of teachers through dialogue around effective instructional practices: peer teaching & learning, learner centered classroom practices, use of locally available resources and mathematization of environment.
University Based Facilitators and Team Leaders MIPIP Moi University Secondary PLC
The teachers had an opportunity to interact and share their experiences in mathematics instruction. The officer from the ministry of education took the opportunity to highlight on the need for adoption of the learner based classroom practices in mathematics. The teachers were encouraged to collaborate and embrace dialogue around the effective strategies and use them to improve their practices in mathematics. She noted the timing of MIPIP as an opportunity to address the poor performance in mathematics subject and encouraged teachers to fully participate in the project. As stakeholders she reiterated their role in promoting continuous learning of teachers as this is the only way to improve instructional practice and learning outcomes of students and hence promote gender equality and social inclusion in the society.
MIPIP Investigators and PLC Members Training Session on MIPIP Priorities |
The teachers were brought together to report on experiences and lessons learnt in PLCs as they shared with university researchers and other stakeholders in education. MIPIP provides an opportunity for teachers to share experiences on instructional practices. The teachers work in small groups in schools, interview learners, design lessons based on shared experiences and reflect on the lessons.
Teachers are involved in addressing needs of learners based on data driven evidence through identification of errors on mathematical tasks, causes of errors, learner thinking and how to address the errors through joint reflective lessons. They are also involved in analysis of content, prepared teaching materials including notes, worked examples and exercises, activities and learner experiences based on the learning management system.
Teachers engage in deep and meaningful data driven dialogue, examine own classroom data to learn how to pinpoint student learning challenges, select instructional interventions and monitor progress towards reaching student learning goals.
MIPIP seeks to streamline GEI initiatives through unbiased materials preparation, and ensuring gender-equitable, inclusive illustrations and language in instructional materials.
Teachers listening keenly during the workshop
The teachers responded positively to the sensitization exercise and promised to continue working hard on the project’s priorities and activities to ensure that the project is a success. The teachers reported that the principals of their schools were also in support of the project and do accord the necessary support as required.
“This work was supported by the Global Partnership for Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange, a joint endeavour with the International Development Research Centre, Canada.”
“The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of IDRC or its Board of Governors.”