Ant Species Richness, Endemicity and Functional groups, along an Elevation Gradient in Nandi forest, Kenya


Jairus Shisungu Anale

Msc. Student in Applied Entomology

Project Team Member
Project Team Member

Prof. Brian L. Fisher

Curator of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences (USA)

Project Team Member
Project Team Member

Dr. Denis WM. Ochieno

Supervisor-Senior Lecturer, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (Kenya)

Project Team Member
Project Team Member

Dr. James J. Odanga

Supervisor-Senior Research Scientist Entomology Section, National Museums of Kenya (Kenya)

About this Project

The unique biology of ants and their occurrence in the natural forests and farmlands makes them an ideal of interest and so become important indicators of any functioning ecosystem for the activities that they carry every time for their living. The influence of other environmental factors (open ground, canopy density) on the species richness will also be studied.

Grant Number and Fund Amount

Amount: USD 2683