Period: 2020/2021
Prof. Peter Bukhala.
Situation is moreSituation is morepronounced in rural regionsof the country.
In the wake of the COVID -19 pandemicIn the wake of the COVID -19 pandemicthat continues to ravage countriesacross the world, the Kenya Governmentimplemented various measures tocushion the citizens from the effects ofthe disease. These include legislationsto curb the spread of the disease.Specifically, legislations put in placeinclude the Legal Notice No. 50 whichrestricts movement of people. ThisOrder led to closure of schools andother institutions and asking peopleto stay at home. Legal Notice No. 51,which invoked the Public Health Actthat restricted movement of people inand out of Nairobi, Mombasa, Kwale andKilifi, was the closest the Governmentwas to complete lockdown of people inthe four regions. In addition, through theKenya Gazette Notice 41 and Notice 67 ofApril 2020, the Government announceda national curfew that further restrictedmovement of citizens between 7pm and5 am.The Government also made it mandatoryfor all to wear masks in public spaces.All these measures were intended tocurb the spread of the Coronavirus. Thekey message in all these measures hasbeen emphasis on social distancing,washing hands with soap, staying athome, cessation of mass gatherings andmasking in order to curb the spread ofthe disease. However, as noted by theMinistry of Health Cabinet Secretary inhis daily briefings, many people are notadhering to the guidelines. This situationis more pronounced in rural regions ofthe country where cultural practices area major challenge. Given that the lengthof lockdown is unknown, many studentsand staff are likely to become anxiousand their coping ability compromised.The current study was an exploratoryThe current study was an exploratorybaseline survey and interventionprogramme for COVID-19 targetingMMUST students and staff and thesurrounding community. The studyassessed the current knowledge,attitudes and practices of MMUSTstudents and staff on COVID-19. Theresults of the baseline survey will bedocumented and disseminated inresearch journals. This Report capturesthe intervention phase of the research,that is, ten (10) sessions of presentationsby experts on various issues concerningCOVID-19. A link has been providedfor each presentation on YouTube. Iwelcome you to read and share thedocument to all your networks.Finally, I wish to thank the team ofresearchers who worked on this Project.They brought their multidisciplinaryexperiences on board and ensured theprogramme goals were achieved as perthe work plan.
Research Investigators.
Prof. J.S.K Achoka
Dr. Pamela Buhere
Dr. Christine Wanjala
Dr. Lydia Anyonje