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MMUST’S Aids Control, Gender and Disability Mainstreaming Unit Committee Pays Courtesy Visit to Chief Officer, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, County Government of Kakamega.

On 22nd June, 2022, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) AIDS Control, Gender and Disability Mainstreaming Unit Committee paid a courtesy visit to the Chief Officer, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, County Government of Kakamega Ms. Dorine Amwoga. The visit was aimed at setting the ground for possible partnership between the two institutions.

The team was received by the Director, Education Support, Mr. Victor Shilisia. Representing the Chief Officer, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, the Human Resource Manager, Ms. Jackline Athieno Othieno expressed her delight in being associated with an institution of Higher Learning noting that she has seen MMUST grow to become the first public University in Kenya with a registered TVET institute. “There has been a low female representation in STEM-related occupations which has, in turn, affected the choice of fields selected by the female students. This partnership will ensure we reach those students and encourage them to participate in STEM-related occupations,” said Ms. Athieno.

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Human Resource Manager, Ms. Jackline Athieno Othieno speaks during the meeting

Speaking during the meeting, the Deputy Director, Institute of Indigenous knowledge and Cultural Studies (IICKS) and Committee Member- AIDS Control, Gender and Disability Mainstreaming Unit, Dr. Lucy Mandillah stressed on the willingness of MMUST to work with the County Government towards a gender-sensitive society where solidarity, opportunities, and responsibilities are shared equally by both women and men.

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Ms. Tabitha Shisia makes a point at the meeting.

MMUST’s Asset Manager and Committee member, Ms. Tabitha Shisia emphasized the need to strengthen the relationship between the two institutions. “We should revive the program that saw MMUST graduates placed in Schools before they were placed by the Teachers Service Commission courtesy of Kakamega County Government,” said Ms. Shisia. Further, she added that MMUST’s Directorate of Corporate Communications and Marketing (DCCM) will also play a key role in the possible partnership.

Other Committee members present include, Mr. Kennedy Anjeho, Ms. Eunice Pundo, and Ms. Gavin Nyarotso.

Access to information empowers women to claim their rights and make better decisions. Indeed, the synergy created by integrated efforts from various stakeholders will enable the implementation of Gender mainstreaming not only in MMUST but in the entire County.

By Charity Idaya

Photos by Gabriel Juma

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