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MMUST'S Alcohol and Drug Abuse Committee Equips Members With Drug Abuse Intervention Skills

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) Alcohol and Drug Abuse Committee has equipped its members with drug abuse prevention and intervention skills. The committee organized a five (5) day workshop from 20th to 24th June, 2022 at the Main Catering Unit (MCU) Boardroom. The workshop themed ‘Workplace- Based Prevention Intervention,’ was sponsored by the National Authority for the Campaign against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA).

The event, organized by the Committee Chairperson, Dr. Dennis Omayio, targeted workers and was geared towards preventing, controlling and mitigating the impacts of drug abuse in Kenya. The thematic areas included,  as well as  and .


NACADA team, ADA committee members and staff from the Dean of Students’ office.

The NACADA team included Western Region Manager, Mrs. Sarah Koske, Programme Officer, Mr. George Kasera and Ms. Linet Muthoni. Mrs. Koske noted that a good number of Kenyan workers today have alcohol and drug disorders. She agreed that alcohol and drug abuse comes with a lot of expenditures related to healthcare, workplace injuries and disability payments as well as productivity loss. Alcohol was identified as the major substance of abuse contributing to major socio- economic problems for the public workplace sector in Kenya.

“It is important that we talk to our family members and colleagues at the workplace as well as the community about drug abuse other than believing in myths. We might not save everyone but save a few,’’ she urged.


Vice Chairperson MMUSO, Miss Cynthia Muthoni speaks at the workshop.

Speaking during the workshop, the Dean, School of Natural Sciences (SONAS), Dr. Joseph Owino, who was also representing the DVC, Academic and Student Affairs (ASA), Prof. Hussein Golicha, pointed out that drug abuse is a serious problem at the workplace and needs thoughtful solutions. He acknowledged that issues of drug abuse have affected students’ performance and some of them do not complete their studies. He added that the committee was constituted at the right time so that the University can work together with NACADA to help the students complete their studies and help the society.

“I am pleased by the efforts put in place to organize and conduct this key training. I believe that the committee will deliver on its mandate so that the University attains high ranking position in terms of performance,” said Dr. Owino.

The committee chairperson, Dr. Omayio echoed the Dean’s sentiments, saying that drug abuse is a serious issue at the workplace in terms of productivity. He identified that the training has enabled the committee members to come up with ideas on how to prepare an effective Employee Assistance Programme for MMUST. He suggested teamwork as a means of achieving the committee mandate to manage issues of alcohol and drug abuse among the staff and student body.

Further, Dr. Omayio revealed that with the help of peer educators, the committee conducted a baseline survey on the students’ perception towards drug abuse.  The report of the study will be released in the next financial year. The committee is looking forward to handling the drug abuse problems faced by the University. “We shall develop a good workplace intervention policy on management of drug abuse so that the staff and students involved can get assistance and be integrated without compromising the productivity of the University,” he stated.


ADA team at the event.

The MMUST staff present at the event were, the Dean of students, Dr. Bernadette AbwaoMs. Mable Wanyonyi and the Vice Chairperson MMUSO, Miss Cynthia Muthoni.

This is the first training since the committee was constituted in September 2021. Working together with the peer educators who are very active in spearheading the campaign against drug abuse will definitely have a positive impact on the University.

By Verna Awuor and Nickson Matayo

Photos by Gabriel Juma

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