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MMUST Students Among the 5,500 to Benefit From Collaboration With Light for the World Futuremakers-inclusive Employability Project!

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) students are among the five thousand five hundred (5,500) students set to benefit from the ‘Future Makers Inclusive Employability’ programme by Light for the World (LFTW) organization. This was evident during the project’s official launch at Shieywe Guest House, Kakamega on 28th June, 2022.The event was coordinated through MMUST’s Directorate of Career Services led by the Director, Dr. Teresa Okoth.

The Future Makers Inclusive Employability program is implemented by LFTW and funded by in Collaboration with . It is aimed at empowering students by building their employability skills through training, mentorship and industry exposure. The program will involve an Intensive training that will ensure students gain immersive employability skills with a blend of self-learning, virtual and face to face training. The main beneficiaries of this program are students with and without disabilities within six (6) Universities and inclusive . The students will also have access to LFTW’s self-learning platform as well as being enrolled into the project’s occupational mentoring.


image 9MMUST, Stan Chart and LFTW team during the project launch at Shieywe Guest house, Kakamega.

The Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic and Students Affairs Prof. Hussein Golicha, who was representing the Vice Chancellor, Prof Solomon Shibairo, noted that the program will provide MMUST students a competitive edge against their counterparts from other institutions when they finally face the job market. “This program will get our students closer to their potential employers and ensure they leave the University with enough job skills to penetrate the job market,” said Prof. Golicha.

Dr. Okoth appreciated Light for the World and Standard Chartered Bank for making the launch a success and assured them that the University will spread the message to all students to make sure they benefit from this programme. “This program has been enabled through the collaboration MMUST has with Standard chartered bank. Getting a job in Kenya is not easy. If you have a pathway like this that can link you to a job, you take it. I hope that all of us are able to join the project,” said Dr. Okoth.

image 10The Programme Officer LFTW, Mr. Paul Odhiambo making a presentation at the event.


The Programme Officer LFTW, Mr. Paul Odhiambo gave a detailed presentation of the project’s activities and took the students through the online registration demo for the programme. He urged the students to share the information with their fellow students so that MMUST can benefit from the program.

StanChart’s Mr. Josephat Mao, pointed out that since MMUST is a public University as well as TVET accredited, the institution has higher chances of enrolling more students for the program. “StanChart bank is ready to support MMUST through the Future Makers Inclusive Employability program,” said Mr. Mao.

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Participants listen keenly during the launch at Shieywe guest house, Kakamega.

The other Universities participating in the programme are JJomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Kenyatta University (KU), Zetech University, The Multimedia University of Kenya (MMU)United States International University Africa (USIU) and inclusive TVETs.

Other notable personalities present were, the Chair Person Disability Committee, Prof. Danstone Barasa, the Dean of Students, Dr. Bernadette Abwao, Student Counsellor, Ms. Pauline Adhiambo, Ms. Garvin Nyarotso- AIDS Control, Gender and Disability Mainstreaming Unit (ACGDMU), Ms. Marcella Nandi- Career Services, MMUSO President, Mr. Samwuel Motari, other student representatives and MMUST students.

By Charity Idaya
Photos by Gabriel Juma

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