Prof. Peter Odera

Prof. Peter Odera

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Department of Educational Psychology

School of Education, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST)

P.O. Box 190-50100

Kakamega, KENYA

Office no. AB Block Room 510

Kakamega-Webuye Road

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


ResearcherID: GLU-6166-2022

Google Scholar: 7SFRZZgAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao

Prof. Peter Odera

Holds a PhD, an MPhil and an MA in Psychology (Aligarh Muslim University-India) with bias towards Educational and Social Psychology and a BA degree (Panjab University-India). He previously taught at United States International University-Africa,Kenyatta Universityand Kigali Institute of Education, Rwanda. He has experience of 26 years of teaching, research and academic leadership at the university. His areas of academic and research interest are in the fields of Educational Psychology, Cross-Cultural studies, and Guidance and Counselling. He wasChairman of department, Associate Dean, Director of Academic Quality Assurance, Chairman Faculty Graduate Studies Committee, Dean School of Graduate Studies and Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor in-charge of Academic and Student Affairs. He is a member of Kenyan Guidance, Counseling and Psychological Association and The Psychological Society of Kenya. He has successfully guided and supervised Ten (11) PhD students and thirty (31) Masters Students to date. He has been External Assessor and Technical Advisor in promotion of Associate Professors and Professors in Moi University and University of Rwanda. He takes part in community service in providing leadership and motivational talks to high school students and members of his church. He currently serves as the Director Webuye Campus, MMUST.

Some of his key published works include: -

  1. Esther Sila,  Peter Odera, Moses Poipoi. Influence of Teacher’s Self-Worth on Secondary School Learners’ Academic Performance in Kakamega County, Kenya. Published on 19th May 2023 in African Journal of Empirical Research. DOI:
  2. Silvester Ndori Jaika, Ken Kathukumi, Zadok Maingi, Charles Tibbs, Peter Odera, Silvenus Konyole. Prevalence of Mental Health Disorders among Healthcare Workers in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic in Western Region, Kenya. Published on 5th December 2022 in African Journal of Health Sciences.
  3. K Kathukumi, Z Maingi, SN Jaika, SO Konyole, CY Tibbs, P Odera. Social and psychological effects of covid-19 pandemic among frontline healthcare workers in western Kenya. Publishe on 29th Augast 2022 in East African Medical Journal.
  4. Z. Maingi, K. Kathukumi, S. Jaika,P. Odera,S. Konyole C Tibbs. Tibbs. Mitigation of mental health effects of COVID-19 pandemic among healthcare workers in Western Kenya. East African Medical Journal.
  5. Joyce Okayo, Peter Odera & Stanley Omuterema (2015). Socio-economic Characteristics of the Community that Determine Ability to Uptake Precautionary measures to Mitigate Flood Disaster in Kano Plains, Kisumu County, Kenya.Geoenvironmental Disasters. DOI:
  6. Peter Odera & Rossette K. Murigande (2010). A Study of Involment of Caregivers in Children’s Play in Kigali, Rwanda. Contemporary Issues in Education. Vol. 26, p. 90-102.
  7. Sussy Nafula Werunga and Peter Odera (2022). Achievement Goals as |Predictors of Academic Performance of Primary School Pupils in Migori County, Kenya. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science. Vol. 27, Issue 3, Series 3, pg. 25-34.
  8. Joel P. Ogutu, Fridah M. Njeru, John Arudo, Peter Odera and Doreen L. Sore (2021). Emotional Dissonance and Psychological Burnout in Role Performance among COVID-19 Frontline Healthcare Workers. International Journal of Health and Psychology Research. Vol. 9, No. 2, pg. 41-54.
  9. Joel P. Ogutu, John Arudo, Peter Odera, Doreen L. Sore and Fridah M. Njeru (2022). COVID-19: Coping Strategies and Role Performance of Frontline Healthcare Workers. International Journal of Recent Research in Interdisciplinary Sciences. Vol.9, Issue 1, pg.19- 27.
  10. Peter Odera, Fridah M. Njeru, John Arudo and Doreen L. Sore (2021). Psychosocial Factors as Antecedent to Role Performance among Frontline Healthcare Workers During COVID-19 Pandemic. American Journal of Psychology. Vol. 3, Issue 2, pg. 20-29. DOI:
  11. Esther Ndewa, Ruth Simiyu and Peter Odera (2021). Challenges Faced by International Non-Governmental Organizations on Enhancement of Refugees Wellbeing in Dadaab Camp, Kenya. International Jounal of Medical Science and Clinical Invention. Vol. 8 (11), pg 5770-5784.
  12. Laura, A. Okwiya, Peter Odera and Joel Ogutu (2021). Academic Motivation Factors Influencing Students’ Academic \Achievement in Luanda Sub-County, Vihiga County, Kenya. Kenyan Journal of Guidance, Counseling and Psychology. Vol. 9, No. 1, pg. 36-44.
  13. Esther Ndewa, Peter Odera and Ruth Simiyu (2021). Nature and Extent of Traumatic Experiences among Refugees in Dadaab Camp, Kenya. Psychology. Vol. 12.Pg.1911-1932
  14. Isoe Lydia, Odera Peter and Poipoi Moses (2020). Psychological Effects of Early Enrollment to Boarding Primary |schools on Pupils’ Academic Performance in Malava Sub-County, Kenya. Quantum Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. Vol. 1 No. 3.
  15. Amusala Constance, Judah M. Ndiku and Peter Odera (2019). The Influence of Selected Conflict Intervention Resolution Applied in Kenyan Public Universities on Academic Stress, Academic Anxiety and Self-esteem as Forms of Intrapersonal Conflicts. International Journal of Education and Psychological Research. Vol. 8, Issue 3, pg. 21-29.
  16. Eunice K. Ndulu, Peter Odera and Margaret Iyaya (2019). Effectiveness of Psychological Intervention Approaches in Preventing Posttraumatic Stress Disorder among Disaster Actors in Nairobi County, Kenya. International Journal of Education and Research. Vol. 7, No. 10, pg. 37-53.
  17. Amusala Constance M., Peter Odera and Judah M. Ndiku (2019). Influence of Academic Stress as a Form of Interpersonal Conflict on Students Academic Achievement in Public Universities in Kenya. IOSR Journal of Research and Methods in Education. Vol. 9, Issue 5, pg 38-45.
  18. Eunice K. Ndulu, Peter Odera and Margaret Iyaya (2019). Rationale for Early Psychological Intervention among Disaster Actors in Nairobi County, Kenya. Journal of Education and Practice. Vol. 10, No. 32.
  19. Nyamwata J., Kokonya D., Odera P. & Sanga P. K. (2018). Association between Depression and Socio Demographic Factors among Nurses Working in Moi Teaching and referral Hospital, Eldoret, Kenya. World Journal of Medical Education and Research. Vol. 16: Issue 1, Pg 14-19.

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