MMUST Greening Initiatives


Dr. James O. Owuor
Coordinator Greening Initiatives

About this Project

The Greening Initiatives of Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) are part of activities that are geared towards attaining a Green Economy, which is characterized by low carbon, resource efficiency and social inclusivity. This is among the approaches in the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, by ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns (SDG 12), and the African Union’s Agenda 2063 towards Environmentally Sustainable and Climate Resilient Economies and Communities (Aspiration 1 Goal 7).

 MMUST is located in Kakamega County ‘The Green Jewel’, within the Kakamega Tropical Rainforest catchment area in the Lake Victoria Basin. This University has a combined population of students and staff of around 25,000 as per May 2024. Due to the establishment and growth of MMUST, Kakamega County and her neighbourhood has been experiencing rapid economic growth characterized by unsustainable infrastructural development, transition of arable land to human settlements and forest destruction. The huge population has also led to increased carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel due to an expanded transport network. Both underground and surface water resources are constrained due to high demand and insufficient waste management. Energy demands are rising, with the supply of electricity being unreliable making the use of fossil fuel generators inevitable. The increased pollution due to greenhouse gas emissions, liquid and solid wastes within a noisy environment threatens the habitability of Kakamega County as part of much needed healthy planet.     

Established in 2017, the Coordinating Unit of the University Greening Initiatives focuses on seven key areas namely; Sustainable Infrastructure Imperatives, Carbon Management, Green Energy, Circular Economy, Environment Conservation and Energy Efficiency. Such Greening Initiatives are inevitable in actualizing a Blue Economy, especially in downstream regions including the Indian Ocean at the Kenyan Coast, Lake Victoria and down through the Nile Basin to the Mediterranean Sea.

Events and Activities
