Dr. Jasper M. Ondulo
Project Coordinator
Dr. Dorothy Rambim
Project Activity Lead)
Dr. Eric Ater Onyango
Project Activity Lead
Contact Details
Department of Computer Science
School of Computing & Informatics (MMUST)
P.O. Box 190-50100
Kakamega, KENYA
Office no. SPD Block B Room 102
Kakamega-Webuye Road
Email: jondulo@mmust.ac.ke
Project Events and Activities
MMUST Hosts UON Vice Chancellor to Renew Collaboration Agreement on USAID-funded HealthIT Project Set to Revolutionize the Healthcare Sector
Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology on Tuesday, 20th December, 2022, hosted the Vice Chancellor, Read More
HealthIT: The Driver to Revolutionize Health Information Systems in Health Sector in Kenya
Two School of Computing and Informatics staff (Dr. Kelvin Omieno and Mr. Jasper Ondulo) attended recently concluded Ministry of Health and Counties Research Consultative workshop that brought toget...
About the Project: HEALTHIT- Sustaining Use of DHIS2 in Kenya
Brief description
HealthIT is a brainchild of USAID’s strategic forward thinking towards a long term, country-owned and led sustainability of gains and investments jointly made by the Government of Kenya (GoK) and PEPFAR through USAID. Anchored on the memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the University of Nairobi (UoN) and the Kenya Ministry of Health (MOH) & MoLSP, the activity is bolstered by technical capacity from the School of Computing and Informatics (SCI) and administrative support of the University of Nairobi Enterprises and Services (UNES).
UoN, through UNES, extended the same mandate to 7 other Local public institution-County Proximate Universities- (CPU) to work with MDAs to support Digital Health and Children Protection Information Management System (CPIMS); MMUST being one of them. The County Proximate Universities, provides in-country technical support (TA) through UoN to Ministries: Health and Labour & Social Protection
HEALTHIT- Sustaining Use of DHIS2 in Kenya
The overall purpose is to strengthen national policies, strategies, standards and reporting related to Kenya’s health information system (HIS & CPIMS), so as to ultimately support County and National level health service provision, Labour and Social Protection. The main aim is to progressively manage evolution of digital health & Children Protection platforms and data systems for evidence-based decision making at both the national and county levels through implementation of HIS & CPIMS policies, standards and guidelines. HealthIT has two sub purpose areas, namely:
- Technical support to both the Ministry of Health (MoH) and the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection (MoLSP) to achieve strengthened Information Systems that support Health and Child Protection reporting respectively and provide data for decision making for GOK, counties and other stakeholders. The availability and accessibility of key Health Information Systems (HIS) and Child Protection Information Management System (CPIMS) to all stakeholders, as well as assuring that the systems evolution to stakeholder needs are incorporated in the systems.
- Support toward improved institutional capacity of national and county MoH and Department of Children Service on use of information systems, quality data capture and reporting. This includes a key sustainability pillar through capacitating Universities through the County Proximate University model who in turn will provide technical support to systems at their respective twinned Counties.
Key contributions in the implementation for the last four years include:
- Scale-up of digital health solutions within 5 counties proximate to MMUST. (EMR software Scale-up, infrastructure deployment, provision of technical assistance to MOH, IPs and Counties (data migration) change management and capacity development in the EMR/EHRs software and hardware implementation.
- Support MoH to conduct national and county data alignment activities to improve data quality of data and promote data use in monitoring epidemic control.
- Providing technical assistance to 5 county governments and SDPs for the ownership and management of EMR investment at county level.
- Support the development of Department of Children Services' leadership & governance capability to own, manage and ensure evolution of CPIMS within 5 County governments.
- Supporting MoH Develop e-learning content for new technology solutions Update and roll out e-leaning content for the current supported system DHIS2/EID/VL/KHMFL systems.
The activities complies with all partner improvement plans and management directives through its agile and nimble management and technical teams to rapidly course-correct using short feedback loops. The project works closely with the MoH and other stakeholders while seeking guidance from the AOR and the activity management team (AMT) to accelerate achievement of benchmarks within timelines.
(i) Upcoming/Ongoing
- EMR deployment and Training of Users in 4 Facilities in Bungoma County (Naitiri SCH, Kimilili SCH, Webuye SCH & Chwele SCH) (Date and link to website)
- Routine Data Quality Assessment (RDQA) in Turkana County (Date and link to website)
- A Visit by HealthIT HQ-UoN to evaluate/assess project implementation progress and Outcomes (Date and link to website)
- Data Alignment Kakamega County (Date and link to website)
- EMR deployment and Training of Users in 5 Facilities in Uasin Gishu County (Turbo SCH,and other 4 facilities ) (Date and link to website)
- Hackathon (Date and link to website)
- Providing Technical Assistance (TA) to all the facilities having ICT infrastructure and deployed with EMR
- Participating in Bungoma County AWP planning and preparation. (4-8/4/2022)
- Working with 2 postgraduate students (1PhD & 1 Masters) doing research in leveraging/implementation of ICT in Health.
(ii) Previous
- Installation and roll out of ICT Infrastructure in FIVE model Facilities within FIVE Counties under our areas of jurisdiction- Kakamega, Bungoma, West Pokot, Trans Nzoia and Uasin Gishu (Date and link to website)
- Routine Data Quality Assessment (RDQA) in West Pokot & Nandi Counties (Date and link to website)
- EMR deployment and Training of Users in a number of facilities within Kakamega Counties (Date and link to website)