Academic and Student Affairs Division
The Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs (DVC ASA ) is responsible for all academic-related affairs and leadership in MMUST.
Welcome to the Academic and Student Affairs Division. I am Prof. Hussein S. A. Golicha, the Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic and Student affairs, of Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST)
In my capacity as head of this division, I am responsible for oversight of all academic policies, direction, programmes and the services that support them. Reporting directly to the Vice Chancellor, my Division works collaboratively with key administrative leaders, such as the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, Deans of Schools, and Dean of Students.
The DVC ASA focuses resources toward achievement of established strategic objectives and development of new Academic directions at MMUST where programme quality, enrollment, retention and student success are top priorities.
This division is responsible for the functions of; Admission of students, delivery of the appropriate academic programs, Examination and Certification.
It is also responsible for students’ welfare. Thus, ASA is with you the student, from the time you are admitted, until the time you leave. Even after you have graduated and joined the Alumni of MMUST, ASA is still with you.
We at ASA strive to meet all the demands of our customers, both internal (students) and external (future students and parents) through our Directorates, Schools, TVET Institute, office of the Registrar Academic Affairs, the Library and of the Dean of Students.