MMUST Scholar takes Leadership at Kenya Society for Sports Medicine
MMUST Scholar in the Fight against Cancer
“There is a major killer of children and especially boys on the rise in western Kenya”. This is an alarm raised by the MMUST Medical Biotechnologist Nicholas Kitungulu during the MMUST Melting Pot Research Seminar series on 15th March 2018. An endemic cancer known as “Burkitt lymphoma”, which manifests in the form of fever, swollen glands, frequent or severe infections, shortness of breath or cough, chest pain, swollen stomach, extreme tiredness and weight loss, has been associated with over 70% of cancer-related child deaths in sub-Saharan Africa.
MMUST Short Courses Commence

Vice Chancellor Meets MMUST Technical Staff
Vice Chancellor Prof. Fredrick Otieno on 13th March 2018 met MMUST technical staff on the theme “Enhancing technical capacity in training, research and innovation”.
MMUST Students Mark International Women’s Day with Red Cross
MMUST Social Work students marked the International Women’s Day on 8th March 2018 at the Busia Agricultural Training Centre (ATC). In an activity organized by the Red Cross, the students participated in creating awareness on blood donation to boost blood banks. Kenya often faces desperate situations that require blood transfusion. Led by Halima Abdi, the students shared experiences with the community on various cases where blood donations have been necessary, and mostly as emergencies.
MMUST Students Mark International Women’s Day with Red Cross (2)
MMUST Social Work students marked the International Women’s Day on 8th March 2018 at the Busia Agricultural Training Centre (ATC). In an activity organized by the Red Cross, the students participated in creating awareness on blood donation to boost blood banks. Kenya often faces desperate situations that require blood transfusion. Led by Halima Abdi, the students shared experiences with the community on various cases where blood donations have been necessary, and mostly as emergencies.
“Many women in Busia have suffered overbleeding during child birth, while some have been experiencing acute anaemia during pregnancy” said Halima. In concurrence to this, Leah Okumu indicated that “Many girls within Matayos Sub-county of Busia lose excessive blood every month making them suffer anaemia, and hence they have been put on iron supplements”.
Apart from that, road accidents and other disasters have been occurring in different parts of Kenya. In such cases, blood is usually a desperate need. Rosemary Wangeci a Social Work student who is also a security practitioner raised concerns over past experiences where sufficient blood was difficult to find. “We had terrorist attacks during the 1998 bombing of the US Embassy, the Westgate Mall Attack in 2013, Mpeketoni-Lamu attacks of 2014 plus other multiple deadly aggressions inside and outside the country”.
MMUST runs programs on matters of gender equality, children’s rights, HIV/AIDS, Criminology, Disaster Management among others. Such programs address the relevance of blood. The students were enthusiastic that the International Women’s Day could be used to promote the roles that women play in ensuring a better world.
Kibabii University Benchmarks on MMUST Science, Technology & Innovation
Researchers from Kibabii University paid a benchmarking visit to MMUST Science & Technology Park and Industrial Linkages (STPIL) on 12th March 2018. Kibabii University intends to model its science, technology and innovation activities based on MMUST-STPIL. Kibabii University is in the process of acquiring modern equipment that will boost capacity in science, technology and innovation.
The team of researchers from Kibabii University who met Dr. John Muoma, Director MMUST-STPIL, included Dr. Lucy Chikamai (Dean Faculty of Sciences), Prof. Donald Siamba (Director TVET), Dr. Jared Oloo (Chairman Department of Science, Technology & Engineering), and Kennedy Munyole (Renewable Energy). The Kibabii researchers were exploring best ways of utilizing their incoming equipment based on MMUST experience.
Dr. Muoma indicated that ‘Science, technology and innovation are evolving at a high speed in fields such as Information Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Medicine and Modern Biotechnology; therefore, Kibabii University needs to join MMUST in adapting to the current trends’. The Kibabii University team mooted the idea of developing their TVET programs in collaboration with MMUST.
MMUST Holds Successful 3rd National Youth Leadership Summit
"Seek ye first the kingdom of academia," was the message echoed by each speaker during the two-day national youth summit held in MMUST from Wednesday 28th February to Friday 2nd March 2018 at the Main Campus Graduation Square.
Speaking at the event, media personality and author Ken Walibora, emphasized the importance of having good communication skills. "No matter the profession you get into, you cannot succeed unless you communicate effectively." According to him, communication is said to take place when the other party fully comprehends the meaning intended by the communicator.
The writer observed that in order to attain mastery in any language one has to love reading. ‘By the time one has read fifty books on one specific discipline, perhaps he or she would say to have become a master in that field,’ Prof Walibora noted.
Being a successful writer of over forty books, Walibora said that for an author to compose one book, he has read one hundred different works of other authors. "There is no shortcut to good communication other than reading books."
On his part, MMUST lecturer and motivational speaker Dr Ken Otieno commonly known as Dr. Zoom among his students encouraged young people to take their roles seriously. ‘The youth have to strive and have a competitive edge’, Dr Otieno noted. He said that every young person has a responsibility to be a role model to the younger generation as they prepare themselves for future parenthood.
He encouraged the students to invest in educational research as it helps them get equipped for the challenges of the future. He emphasized that for one to be relevant in the current job market, one has to have ability to multitask and continued, ‘if you cannot be creative, the world becomes a challenge to you."
He pleaded with the young generation to shun negative ethnicity as the youth play a major role in improving the economy of the country and encouraged them to view people in terms of the benefit they add into their lives rather than where they come from or what their names are.
The fete which has been held annually for the past consecutive three years, is a brain child of University’s Vice Chancellor Prof. Fredrick Otieno in what he terms as one of the steps he has taken to make the varsity a student-centered institution.
Speaking at the event, Prof Fredrick Otieno expressed a strong conviction that the Summit has and will continue to help a large number of students make informed choices in terms of the careers that they want to pursue in campus. He said such events help light the candles of hope to students who are hopeless as some of academic giants share the stories of their lives.