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MMUST’s Biological Sciences Department Takes Mentorship a Notch Higher Through Outreach to Ingotse Boys High School, Kakamega.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) Biological Sciences Department has given deeper meaning to Academic mentorship through their spirited Academic talks and outreaches for High School students in Kakamega County. On 22nd June, 2022, a team from the Biological Sciences Department held an outreach at Ingotse Boys High School in North Butsotso, Navakholo Constituency, Kakamega County with the aim of popularizing Biology as a viable subject for students to pursue. This is part of the implementation of the recommendations of a recent research conducted by the Department, which indicated a slight decrease in the number of students in the field of Biology admitted to Universities.


Prof. Elizabeth Omukunda, MMUST staff and Biology teachers of Ingotse Boys High School.

In attendance was the Associate Professor, School of Natural Sciences, Prof. Elizabeth Omukunda, Chairman of the Department, Dr. Philip Ogutu, Dr. Emily Indakwa, Dr. Humphrey Agevi, Dr. Christine Onyango and Ms. Sandra Khatiebi. A drop in the performance of the Biology subject in schools has raised an alarm in the country and left many questions unanswered. In order to identify the problems leading to the poor performance of the subject Dr. Humphrey Agevi engaged the boys in an interactive question and answer segment on the factors affecting Biology as a subject and how to handle questions during examinations. Dr. Agevi gave clear guidelines on how to overcome the challenges affecting Biology in school.


Prof. Elizabeth Omukunda speaks at the event.

Speaking at the event, Prof. Elizabeth Omukunda pointed out the advantages of studying Biology, adding that there are several careers associated with Biology. “There are limitless numbers of career opportunities available in the field of Biology. At Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, there are a number of courses you can pursue if you study and pass Biology at High School level,” she said.

She also added that MMUST as friends of Ingotse school will do a follow up on the students annually to see the development of the subject in the school. 

biology111447Dr. Christine Onyango, a lecturer at the Department of Biological Sciences at MMUST, explains a point during one of the sessions at Ingotse Boys High School.

“Biology is life and everything around us is biology. The food we eat functions in our bodies through Biology and the environment where the cycle begins,” said Dr. Christine Onyango.

In a session on environment, Dr. Christine Onyango discussed the problems affecting the environment such as pollution, land degradation, loss of biodiversity, global climate change, ozone depletion, loss of natural resources which have triggered an imbalance of the ecosystem.

The Biology department donated a hundred indigenous seedlings of different types and the day’s outreach program was commemorated through a tree planting exercise. Form two Students were given the duty of conserving the environment and taking care of the trees planted.


The Chairman of MMUST Biological Sciences Department, Dr. Philip Ogutu plants a tree at the school.

The Deputy Principal, Mr. Charles Chiteri expressed gratitude to the MMUST team for mentoring and touching the lives of young people in the County. “We are happy to be associated with a great institution such as MMUST and look forward to more engagements,” he added.

Such school engagements and outreaches will certainly transform not only the students’ environment but also the entire livelihoods of communities around the University. 

Story by Kyama Justus

Photos by Gabriel Juma

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