Research Project Title: Mathematics Instructional Practice Improvement Project (MIPIP) Kenya
Recent Activities
Title of Project: Mathematics Instructional Practice Improvement Project (MIPIP) Kenya
Title of Project: Mathematics Instructional Practice Improvement Project (MIPIP) Kenya
1st July 2024 to 30th June 2026
Funding Organization: The project is funded by the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX), a joint endeavour with the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada. Abbreviated: GPE KIX Project
Amount: 490,000 CAD
Period: 1st July 2024 to 30th June 2026
In Kenya there are multiple challenges hindering mathematics teaching and learning. To bridge these gaps of mathematics teaching and learning, the Mathematics Instructional Practice Improvement Project
(MIPIP) has been tested, Kakamega county, in Kenya. Its focus is on developing teachers' capacity to make decisions about their practices based on the analysis of student learning information. The project has significant potential to generate pedagogical conversations that involve action and reflection through teachers’ Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), a teacher-driven professional development model. Thus, the project aims to adapt, contextualize, and scale the innovation specifically targeting secondary school teachers and learners in Kenya. This will be in response to the following research questions: What strategies can be used to strengthen mathematics education stakeholders’ abilities in use of data to inform and improve practice and student learning outcomes in mathematics? How can gender-responsive teaching practices be integrated into data-driven strategies to promote equity and inclusivity in mathematics education? What mechanisms can be enacted to ensure continuous Teacher Professional Development to improve mathematics instructional practice and promote equitable student learning outcomes in mathematics? and What mechanisms can ensure the long-term scalability and sustainability of project impacts across diverse contexts? The anticipated outcomes include the establishment of Knowledge Network of Mathematics Educators (KNME) to share practices of improving instructional practices and developing a framework for data-driven professional development and adopting ICTs in mathematics instruction in Kenyan secondary schools, that will be used for policy advocacy.
General Objectives
The project seeks to improve the use of data to inform and improve instructional practice and student learning outcomes in mathematics.
Specific Objectives
Objective 1: To generate knowledge and evidence on data-driven practices that improve student learning outcomes and promote gender equality and inclusiveness in mathematics education.
Objective 2: To strengthen mathematics education stakeholders’ knowledge, skill and attitudes in use of data and gender equality and inclusive practice to inform and improve practices and student learning outcomes in mathematics education.
Objective 3: To mobilize knowledge and evidence generated through engagement of key stakeholders by establishing Knowledge Network of Mathematics Educators (KNME) and leverage this for gender equality and inclusivity initiatives in mathematics instruction and uptake and scaling impact of the findings beyond study regions.
MIPIP Priorities:
The Key Activities of the project are:
- Training school-based leadership on facilitation of PLCs
- Training teachers on how to conduct and document structured and meaningful discussions in PLCs
- Training of teachers on the Art of Questioning strategies involving a set of questions, which may be helpful in guiding inquiry as an instructional strategy to deepen and expand students’ mathematical thinking and problem-solving abilities. These are used to help students work together to make sense of mathematics, reason mathematically, conjecture, invent, and solve problems and help connect mathematics, its ideas, and its applications
- Training Teachers on: analysis of errors; interviewing learners’ thinking behind the errors; sharing of experiences on how to handle learner errors; sharing information on learner centered instructional strategies; concept mapping, designing of lessons, interviews, team teaching, peer learning and lesson reflection, preparation of content for digitalization, and use the Learning Management System (LMS).
Contact details PI and Project Leader Prof. Martin S. Wanjala MMUST, Science and Mathematics Education P.O. Box 190-50100 Kakamega, Kenya Office No, LBB Room 105 Kakamega-Webuye Road Project website: Project Links:Links: Mathematics instructional practice improvement project Kenya | GPEKIX
MIPIP is composed of 25 researchers from Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, University of Kabianga, Kibabii University, Moi University, University of Eldoret, Cooperative University, Turkana University College and Bomet University College. The project team also consists of research assistants, mostly post-graduate students at both masters and PhD levels.
- Josephine K. Ngaira - Chairperson
- Solomon Shibairo - Vice Chancellor, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST)
- Mutai Charles - Deputy Vice Chancellor – Planning, Research and Innovation,
- Isaac Ipara Odeo - Vice Chancellor, Kibabii University, Bungoma
- Erick Koech (Ph.D, MBS) - University of Kabianga, Kericho
- Samuel Ngaruiya - Ministry of Education
- Jacinta Akatsa - HSC Chief Executive Officer CEMASTEA
- Andrew F. Otieno - Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC)
- Patrick Chiriswa Andika - Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD)
- Protus Mukwabi Wanjala - Principal Kabuyefwe Boys High School
- Moses M. Poipoi - Dean School of Education, MMUST
The activities for teachers in schools are explicated as follows:
Analysis of Errors
- Identifying the Learner Errors
- Analyzing the errors
- Sharing within the PLC the errors
- Interrogating Learners to elucidate the thinking behind the Errors
- Discussing how to handle the errors on mathematical tasks
- Sharing experiences in PLCs and During workshops
- Using the data to inform practice
- Concept mapping, designing of lessons, team teaching, lesson reflection
Data Driven Strategies: Instructional Practices
Sharing experiences on effective instructional methods in PLCs and during workshops
- Identifying and unpacking classroom data
- Understanding and analyzing patterns in the data
- Developing a plan for improvement based on the data analysis
- Teams work together to examine data from their own classroom
- Discuss patterns in students’ performance
- Engage in collaborative sense making
- Foster cooperation and collaboration and initiate strategies that are student centered and promote student involvement in peer learning
Identification, Selection and Use of Instructional Materials
- Analysis of textbooks, models and other relevant instructional materials
- Involving learners in improvisation and use of locally available materials in the environment to enhance mathematics instruction
- Promoting use of materials that are unbiased and culturally relevant
- Engagements with role models (female mathematicians, engineers, educators etc.)
- Identifying areas for improvement,
- Using data to plan specific adjustments to instruction
Digitalization of Content
- Dialogue around use of Digital tools in instruction (challenges & opportunities)
- TPCK framework development (Knowledge and Skills development for use of ICTS)
- Content development, organization and standardization
- Developing plan for learning to use a learning management system in digitalization of content based on mathematical tasks, activities, examples, exercises and test problems.
Engaging teachers in conceptualization of the mathematics syllabus and topics for preparation of content materials
- Standardization of Prepared content materials and use of LMS
The project involves 250 secondary school mathematics teachers across 11 Counties in Kenya namely; Kakamega, Busia, Kericho, Trans Nzoia, Turkana, West Pokot, Bungoma, Bomet, Turkana, Nandi and Uasin Gishu. The 250 teachers are organized into 50 PLCs of 3 to 5 teachers of both genders and each PLC is composed of teachers from the same school.
MIPIP Activities
The project involves regular visits to schools to monitor and supervise activities of teachers and enforce guidelines on facilitation and conversations as per the MIPIP framework. It also encompasses reporting of progress done through use of the templates for data driven practices, error analysis, learner thinking, ideas for planning for instructions and use of the learning management system. The activities are summarized as follows:
PLC in session
Learners interviews
Project Output, Outcomes and Impact
Project outputs
Some of the anticipated outputs of this project are as follows:
Year 1
- Enhanced Teacher Collaboration through PLCs will provide a structured framework for 250 teachers to collaborate, share insights, and collectively work towards improving instructional practices.
- Focus on Data-Driven Decision Making: A training manual for data-driven decision making co-produced with PLCs to train mathematics teachers on evidence-based instructional practices. This data-driven approach allows for targeted interventions and adjustments to teaching practices.
- Knowledge Network of Mathematics Educators (KNME): 50 PLCs through KNME as a platform for continuous learning among teachers.
Year 2
- Framework for teacher preparedness in TPCK for the use of ICTS and digitalization of content.
- Establishment of a MIPIP center for continuous Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning.
- An integrated learning platform for scaling mathematics learning outcomes improvement practices.
Project Outcomes
- Improved teacher instructional practices, attitude change, gender equality, and performance of every student in mathematics.
- Increased and improved integration of digital tools in mathematics instruction.
- Enhanced capacity among stakeholders to actively support and contribute to the project's objectives.
- Increased visibility of the project and positive influence on policymakers and the wider community.
- Development of systems for continuous improvement and expansion strategies, contributing to the long-term success and scalability of the project.
Intended impact
- Establishing PLCs in schools will foster continuous teacher learning and enhance the adapting of effective pedagogical practices to enhance learners’ participation and achievement in mathematics.
- Promoting dialogue on effective instructional practices, including error analysis, peer teaching, innovative classroom strategies, and the use of locally available resources and technology will enhance access to quality education.
- Involving teachers in identifying errors, analyzing causes, and jointly reflecting on lessons, MIPIP will promote data-informed practice, individualized learning, increased learner engagement, and improved attitudes towards mathematics.
- Promoting digitization of content, TPCK development, providing a framework for ICT integration, and enhancing actual use in instruction, MIPIP will be equipping teachers and learners with skills for the evolving workplace.
- Streamlined GEI initiatives through safe sanitation, unbiased materials preparation, and ensuring gender-equitable, inclusive illustrations and language in instructional materials, the MIPIP will be addressing issues of gender equality and inclusivity.
- Kibabii University Hosts a Successful MIPI Project Sensitization Workshop
- MIPIP Activities PLC Sessions
- MIPIP Hosts a Series of Successful Capacity Building Workshops
- MIPIP Sensitization Activities at the University of Kabianga in Kericho County Held On 25/01/2025
- MIPIP Sensitization Activities in Eldoret City Held On 26/01/2025
- MIPIP Sensitization Workshop in Turkana County
- Josephine K. Ngaira - Chairperson
- Solomon Shibairo - Vice Chancellor, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST)
- Mutai Charles - Deputy Vice Chancellor – Planning, Research and Innovation,
- Isaac Ipara Odeo - Vice Chancellor, Kibabii University, Bungoma
- Erick Koech (Ph.D, MBS) - University of Kabianga, Kericho
- Samuel Ngaruiya - Ministry of Education
- Jacinta Akatsa - HSC Chief Executive Officer CEMASTEA
- Andrew F. Otieno - Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC)
- Patrick Chiriswa Andika - Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD)
- Protus Mukwabi Wanjala - Principal Kabuyefwe Boys High School
- Moses M. Poipoi - Dean School of Education, MMUST