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MMUST Joins African Royals and Government Officials to Commemorate 50 Years Since the Enthronement of His Royal Majesty Nabongo Peter Mumia II

Government officials and African Royals at the Nabongo Cultural Centre during the 50th anniversary of His Royal Majesty Nabongo Peter Mumia II.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology joined African Royals and Government officials to celebrate fifty (50) years since the enthronement of His Royal Majesty Nabongo Peter Mumia II as the 14th King of the Wanga Kingdom. The grand fete, which took place from 13th to 14th April, 2024 at the Nabongo Cultural Centre, was marked by traditional performances as well as cultural exhibitions by the eighteen (18) sub-tribes of the Luhya community. The MMUST delegation to this festival was led by Prof. Stanley Omuterema, who was representing the Ag. Vice Chancellor, Prof. Charles Mutai.


Tiriki traditional dancers entertain the guests.

The event was also a celebration of one thousand (1000) years since the inception of the Wanga Kingdom, which is the only surviving one in Kenya. Notable guests present during the ceremony included; The Governor of Busia County-H.E. Dr. Paul Otuoma, former Governor of Kakamega County-H.E. Hon.  Wycliffe Oparanya, former Governor of Murang'a County-H.E. Hon. Mwangi Wa Iria, Deputy Governor, Kakamega County-Hon. Ayub Savula, Wiper Democratic Movement Leader-Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka, DAP-K Party Leader-Hon. Eugene Wamalwa and MP, Mumias East Constituency-Hon. Peter Salasya. The Chairman of the Kenya National Council of Elders-Major (Rtd) John Seii, as well as the Nabongo Council of elders, were also present at the event.


Prof. Stanley Omuterema gives his remarks during a courtesy call to King Peter Mumia II.

Speaking during a courtesy call to His Royal Majesty Nabongo Peter Mumia II, Prof. Omuterema pointed out that MMUST is dedicated to preserving the cultural heritage in Kenya. “On behalf of MMUST, I would like to extend my gratitude to His Royal Majesty Nabongo Peter Mumia II for inviting us to this ceremony. As the only surviving Kingdom in Kenya, Wanga has been a pivotal subject of research for our scholars. I assure you that we will continue to spearhead the collation of critical data on our cultural practices, norms and values, because we want future generations to benefit from the traditional knowledge,” stated Prof. Omuterema.

Prof. Omuterema was accompanied by the Director, Directorate of Corporate Communications and Marketing-Dr. Lydia Anyonje, who was also standing in for the Deputy Director, Institute of Indigenous Knowledge and Cultural Studies and Climate Change (IIKCSCC)-Dr. Lucy Mandillah, the Marketing Officer-Mr. James Muriithi, Ms.  Mildred Kagai and Ms. Rhoda Mwombe.


His Royal Majesty Nabongo Peter Mumia II reads his speech during the event.

Masinde Muliro University and Science and Technology’s participation in this monumental event is a clear indication of the University’s support towards preserving cultural heritage. Indeed, all stakeholders, including institutions of higher learning, must play their part to reclaim, propagate and preserve the African cultural heritage.

By Wangari Wambugu

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