Welcome to The AIDS Control Unit
The AIDS Control Unit unit is a key support unit within MMUST that is tasked with providing strategic information, conducting HIV related surveillance activities and conducting operational research. All this combined ensure that HIV programming in the health sector is evidence based. At the Universiy, the office the unit is comprised of Seven M&E officers led by an applied epidemiologist.
The seven officers are in charge of regions as well as provide technical support to all the HIV programs within NASCOP. At the regional level the unit is represented by Data management assistants based at the PASCOs office who work closely with the PASCO and PHRIO, at the district the unit is represented by the DASCO and DHRIO assisted by data clerks where available.
- To ensure collection of High quality data on HIV/AIDS to monitor the health sector response to HIV/AIDS
- Promote data use at all levels to inform HIV programming
- Produce and disseminate Program implementation reports
- Ensure the data collection tools are in sync with the ever changing information needs for HIV
- Produce guidelines on data collection, reporting, feedback and use for the HIV program
- Contribute towards strengthening of the Health information component of Health systems
- Conduct regular facilitative supervision to ensure high quality data collection, collation, reporting and use at all levels
- Surveillance, surveys and operational research
- Developing surveillance, survey and operational research agenda for the health sector
- Provide leadership in the conduct of Evaluations within the Health sector response