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The Ag. Vice Chancellor Hosts Members of the Fourth Estate for a Media Breakfast Aimed at Fostering University-Media Relations

The Ag. Vice Chancellor, Prof. Charles Mutai, on 3rd May 2024, hosted members of the fourth estate for a media breakfast. This meeting was aimed at fostering collaboration and dialogue with the regional media houses for maximum coverage of the University events. This ‘Vice Chancellor’s Media Breakfast (VMB)’ meeting was organized by the Directorate of Corporate Communications and Marketing (DCCM) in a bid to foster positive, symbiotic relations with the media, presenting them with an opportunity to access information about MMUST’s key activities and research agenda.

Speaking during the event, Prof. Mutai highlighted the ongoing research endeavors at MMUST. He delved into the university’s latest research initiatives, highlighting breakthroughs, collaborations, and future directions in the academic sphere. He revealed that the University’s research portfolio had gone up over the years, courtesy of notable researchers undertaking research projects on various areas of interest. 


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