Education Cabinet Secretary Amb. Dr. Amina Mohamed praised MMUST for the unrelenting efforts towards bringing higher education to marginal areas such as Turkana County in Northern Kenya. This was during visits to Kakuma Refugee Camp, and Turkana West University College, a Consituent of MMUST, on 2nd July, 2018. The Cabinet Secretary, in particular, hailed MMUST for the provision of University Education to refugees and Northern Kenya Communities, spreading out to the war torn South Sudan.
The Vice Chancellor Prof. Eng. Fred Otieno, who attended the meeting, said such MMUST Outreach Projects have helped refugees and the host communities in the region quench the thirst for higher education. MMUST was the first Public University to set up a Satellite Study Centre at Kakuma Refugee Camp in the Northern part of Kenya. Through collaboration with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Kakuma Study Centre has received resources for expansion into Turkana West University College. Previously, MMUST established another institute in the same expansive region, the Turkana University College (TUC), which focuses on building capacity towards exploiting the vast oil and gas resources in the region.