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MMUST and ULearning Technology Set to Revolutionize Education with Smart Classrooms Technology

MMUST and Ulearning teams after the meeting.

In an effort aimed at revolutionizing education, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) has embarked on a transformative collaboration with Ulearning Technology- a subsidiary company of Beijing Wenhua Online Education Technology Co., Ltd., which is a leading innovator in online education technology. The partnership encompasses the integration of smart classroom solutions through Ulearning; a cloud-based learning management system, in the implementation of MMUST’s programs including mortuary science, with the potential for expansion into other disciplines through mutual exploration. The delegation from Ulearning Technology Group, led by its CEO- Mr. Jason Jin was received by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Hussein Golicha.

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Christine Ng, co-founder and GM Ulearning Technology making a presentation during the meeting.

Welcoming the ULearning delegation to MMUST, Prof. Golicha expressed his admiration for the innovative smart classroom technology. He emphasized the stagnation witnessed in traditional classrooms globally and lauded the forward-thinking approach of ULearning in embracing technology to enhance the learning experience of learners. “It’s truly fascinating to witness the evolution of educational methodologies. This technology signifies a paradigm shift in education, as its ideas will facilitate seamless communication between students and lecturers, transcending physical barriers,” remarked Prof. Golicha.

Highlighting the importance of the collaboration, Prof. Golicha stressed the value of sharing knowledge and experiences between institutions. “No single entity or individual possesses a monopoly on ideas or expertise. Through partnerships like this, we have the opportunity to learn from one another and collectively drive innovation forward,” he noted.

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The Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Hussein Golicha (Far left) together with the Dr. Samuel Waweru, the Deputy Principal MMUST TVET and the CEO- Ulearning Mr. Jason Jin keenly following the presentation.  

Echoing Prof. Golicha’s remarks, the Ag. Principal MMUST TVET- Prof. Basil Ongor underscored that the University views this collaboration as a catalyst for enhancing its proficiency in leveraging IT for teaching and learning purposes. He noted that MMUST is eager to explore new avenues for educational advancement, including the integration of cutting-edge technologies and the implementation of joint venture programs with ULearning.

The president of ULearning further reiterated this enthusiasm, expressing eagerness to initiate discussions and translate aspirations into tangible outcomes.

As MMUST and ULearning embark on this collaborative journey, they are poised to set new standards in education, leveraging technology and innovation to shape the future of learning. This strategic alliance holds immense promise for both institutions and underscores their shared commitment to excellence in education. 

By Caren Nekesa

Photos by Wangari Wambugu 

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