MMUST is determined to support the girl-child by ensuring that they take the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) courses through bringing learners on board at early stages right from High school level.
The MMUST team led by the Chairman of Physics Department Dr. Boniface Ndinya who also doubled as the Dean School of Natural Science (SONAS) representative visited Friends Girl School- Igunga where they emphasized on the need for secondary school students to enroll in the science courses in the varsity.
The visit preceded Biophysical conference week which ran from 25th- 29th March 2019. Dr. Ndinya took the opportunity to press on the need for secondary school candidates to choose career paths that suited their interest and passion for the sake of having a better society. He further said that MMUST was planning to introduce a Bachelor’s degree in Biophysics.
Biophysical Society of Kenya President Mr. Philip Amuyunzu who is a lecturer in the Department of Physics at MMUST guided the students on the need of having more women enrolled in science courses, especially in Biology and Physics, essential for Biophysics. He further asked them to consider being enrolled at MMUST, the student-centered world class university with the state of art equipment used for practical work during the course study. “Biophysics is the least exploited and emphasized field of study in Kenya and Africa as a whole. It is on this basis that we would like to make maximum use of the 2019 Biophysics week to reach out to potential Biophysical scholars in Kenya who are still at the university and high school level. Lack of exposure and mentorship has been the cause of thwarted dreams among youths or misplacement of the scholars to other fields. Achievements in Biophysics will be highlighted in the most interesting way possible” said Mr. Amuyunzu. He encouraged participants to register as BPS (USA) and BPS (Kenya) members. The outreach programme in Igunga Girls High School was preceded by an interesting nature walk in Kakamega Forest.
Presentations from the MMUST student team focused on better studying skills which include having group discussions, using curriculum approved textbooks, the 3R approach and having a balanced personal study timetable. Other MMUST students displayed the innovations that they have been able to bring on board thanks to the best university facilities.
Mr. Humphrey Agevi of the Biological Department said the varsity was best suited for students because of its flexible nature and the friendly staff. He encouraged students to pick up the courses that relate to their interests. This was also echoed by Mr. Peter Nyongesa who had been instrumental in the laboratory survey session. Mr. Fannuel Chemining'wa guided the participants in the Biophysics week through the Equipment and innovations in the Department of Physics. The school deputy Principle, Mrs. Susan Oyando acknowledged MMUST for choosing Igunga Girls secondary school. She said a good rapport has been created and they look forward to seeing MMUST team visiting them more often.
By Shiundu Wilberforce (