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MMUST Decides, New Student Leaders Vow To Prioritize Student Matters

MMUST held the MMUSO elections on Friday 10th and 13th May 2019 Respectively. According to observers, this was the most contested student elections since the promulgation of the parliamentary system of voting in MMUST in 2016.


Students made Coalitions which were used as vehicles of campaign as they sell their manifestos. One Coalition was All Inclusive Movement (AIM) whose Presidential candidate and deputy were Simiyu Vincent Lumala and Caroline N. Wachira, while the other coalition was Mwangaza, with Charles Owino Nyakumbo and Redempter Chepwogen as their presidential candidate and deputy respectively. Parliamentary elections were held on Friday 10th while the Student Executive Council (SEC) elections were held on Monday 13th May 2019. Mr. Simiyu Vincent Lumala of AIM coalition carried the day with 20 votes while his closest contender, Mr. Nyakumbo, garnered 18 votes. The other contender in the presidential seat was Wandera Ouma Samuel, who did not gather any vote. The new Student Executive Council (SEC) comprises of the MMUSO President Mr. Simiyu Vincent Lumala, Vice President Miss Caroline N. Washira, the Secretary General Mr. Gerald Maina, Gender and Special interest Miss. Nyabuto Lucia Kemunto, Treasurer Mr. Amon Kiptarus, Sports and Entertainment Mr. John Mwanza Mutuku and Academic Secretary, Mr. Adson Michael Were.

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Parliamentary seat elections were also contested under the same coalitions where the A. I. M won 25 seats, against 13 seats, won by their opponents. Speaking during the colorful swearing in ceremony, the university Ag. Vice Chancellor Prof. Joseph Bosire congratulated the new student leadership for making it through the competitive elections. Prof. Bosire applauded the students for maintaining peace during the electioneering period. “My heart is for you student. Thank you for peaceful and mature campaigns that have been witnessed around the university. It is rare to have such campaigns among students. I want to believe God is in control, and I should also thank Him. I was aware of everything that was going on around the university”, said Prof. Bosire. He further urged the new student leadership to be aware of proper time management, to balance leadership duties and their studies. “These elections were free, fair and credible. There was open and transparent tallying. All of us are winners. We need to support one another. As a leader, you are there to serve. Students from different backgrounds will need your support. It is important for you to be mindful about time management. We are there to help you manage the challenges”, he added.

The Deputy Vice Chancellors Administration and Finance, Planning and Research, Academics and Student Affairs congratulated the new student leadership for the bold move of vying for the leadership post and winning. They also applauded the university election body for conducting such a free and fair elections. The Dean of students, Rev. Dr. Omwoha, urged the student leaders to remain humble as they carry out their leadership roles, and learn to listen for them to be exemplary leaders. The MMUSO Election Commission (MEC) chairman Dr. Judah Ndiku, who doubles as the Executive Dean School of Education (SEDU) was thankful to students for maintaining peace during the electioneering period and after elections.

While giving his inaugural speech, the incoming MMUSO President thanked the MMUSO electoral commission for conducting free and fair elections. He said he is ready to work with the university leadership of the day to make MMUST become a world class university. “I would like to assure those who have assisted me clinch this seat that am going to work for you through the university management and create a conducive environment for the comrades to carry on with their studies”, said Mr. Lumala.

By Shiundu Wilberforce (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

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