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MMUST’s Collaboration With German’s Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences Yields Successful Launch of Assorted Equipment to Aid Multidisciplinary Projects in the Institution

The event was graced by MMUST’s Ag. Vice Chancellor Prof. Solomon Shibairo who applauded the founders of the partnership for starting up a great initiative that will see MMUST take part in Community oriented development projects. “This is a practical collaboration with a good demonstration of a working project. I encourage you to re-invent and work further to ensure you achieve much more,” said Prof. Shibairo. He further appreciated the partners for choosing to work with MMUST in the Western Kenya.

The collaboration officiated through a Memorandum of Understanding has been in existence for the last three years and is spearheaded by the Director, DIAL Dr. Catherine Aura. “This is the most active and productive MOU MMUST has ever had which cuts across many schools. It has enabled the University to participate in community activities which resonate with one of its core mandates of Community Engagement,” stated Dr. Aura.

The partnering institutions include MMUST, BRANDENBUG and AGROKENYA. Through the grant, a host of activities and projects have been implemented consisting of; Practice-oriented activities, exchange of faculty members, exchange of students as well as joint research projects and workshops.

The seven Principal Investigators involved in the project that has resulted in the purchase of the ultra-modern equipment include Dr.Francis Orata, Dr. Alice Ndiema, Dr. Gladys Mengich, Dr. Catherine Aura, Dr. Patrick Okoth, Dr. Emmanuel Ebinga Osore and Mary Mwangi

After the initial visit by AgroKenya, the implementation of the project started with the School of Agriculture and Veterinary Technology. It however expanded its scope to School of Education, School of Engineering and Built Environment, School of Computing and Informatics, School of Natural Sciences, School of Public Health, Biomedical Sciences and Technology as well School of Arts and Social Sciences which joined this year, 2021.

by  Linet Owuor

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