Welcome to our Collaborations and Partnerships page, which have been created to facilitate the development of the MMUST's partnerships.
The aim of our pages is to act as a central focal point by providing our partners and partner students with all the necessary information and links to various documents and other useful University services.
The University has historically been involved in many successful collaborations, both nationally and internationally, and continues to build on this success. We recognise the many benefits partnerships provide, such as enriching the curriculum and in terms of the widening participation, facilitating entry into higher education by increasing the number of progression routes for students.
Collaborations not only provide a diverse learning environment but also increased educational opportunity and a mutually supportive environment for staff, as well as raising the profile of both University and partner.
Through rigorous and robust quality and enhancement procedures, we ensure that the quality of the student learning experience is comparable to that of the University and maintain the highest standards.