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Dr. Tecla Sum Takes Over as Director of Science Park Innovation and Incubation Centre

Dr. Tecla Sum receives the handover report from Prof. John Muoma as the Registrar (Planning, Research and Innovation)-Dr. Collins Matemba looks on.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology’s outgoing Director, Science Park Innovation and Incubation Centre (SPIIC), Prof. John Muoma, on Tuesday, 14th May, 2024, handed over office to Dr. Tecla Sum. The handing over ceremony, which was presided over by the Registrar (Planning, Research and Innovation)-Dr. Collins Matemba, saw Prof. Muoma receive overwhelming applause from staff for his excellent service at SPIIC. Notably, Prof. Muoma has been known for championing registration of MMUST’s Intellectual Properties, which moved from 10 to 45 within a short span of time.

Speaking during the ceremony, Dr. Matemba expressed his support for Dr. Sum, and appreciated the outgoing Director, Prof. Muoma for doing a commendable job. “I have no doubt that Dr. Sum will move the Department to a higher level. As a University, we want to be known for excellence in science, technology and innovation,” said Dr. Matemba.


Dr. Collins Matemba gives his remarks during the handing over ceremony.

Prof. Muoma appreciated the University Management and the entire fraternity for the confidence they had in him and support for his innovations and services. “I urge MMUST Management and all staff in this section to accord Dr. Sum the maximum support and cooperation as the Director. I am certain that she will steer this docket as required,” stated the outgoing Director, SPIIC.

In her remarks, Dr. Sum stated that she is happy to take over as Director, saying that she is ready to work with staff, students, the community and other stakeholders to achieve better results. “Innovation is the ultimate solution to problems facing society,” said Dr. Sum.


Dr. Tecla Sum and Prof. John Muoma with staff from SPIIC.

Previously, Dr. Sum was the Chairperson of the Department of Paramedical Science. Her substantive appointment as Director of Science Park Innovation and Incubation Centre (SPIIC) will certainly enhance the capacity of the Division of Planning, Research and Innovation. We congratulate her on this worthy appointment and wish her all the best as she embarks on the noble task of serving the MMUST community.

By Wangari Wambugu, Steven Omondi and Magaret Khakoni

Photos by Shiundu Masafu 

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