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MMUST Amplifies Its Engagement in Career Fairs to Boost Student Development and Recruitment

MMUST team together with the heads of career guidance and a section of students at Machakos School.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) is intensifying its efforts to support students’ professional development and attract potential students by actively participating in various career fairs. On Saturday, 18th May 2024, MMUST team, led by the Director Career Services- Prof. Robert Egessa participated in the Machakos School Career Fair. The team also visited Kyumbi High School in Machakos County, offering students with valuable opportunities for empowerment, networking, career advice, and insights into various career paths, aiming to bridge the gap between education and career opportunities.   These career fairs are also part of MMUST’s strategic approach to showcase its academic programs and unique offerings to prospective students, ensuring the university remains a top choice for higher education.

Addressing the students, Prof. Egessa highlighted the importance of early career alignment and exploration. “In my time, we lacked the wealth of information available to you today. The world has changed, and from the outset, you must align yourself with a chosen career, understand what it takes to pursue it, and focus on achieving that goal,” he said.

Prof. Egessa also pointed out that career choices are influenced by various factors, including personal interests, talents, knowledge in the arts or sciences, culture, hobbies, and external influences such as parents and peers. He encouraged the students to make informed choices aligned with their passion and strengths. “Don’t choose a career just because someone significant suggests it. Consider your own interests and capabilities, their suggestions are not definitive. We aim to cultivate responsible citizens who take ownership of their decisions,” he advised.


The Director Career Services- Prof. Robert Egessa engaging students in discussions during the career fair at Machakos School.

Speaking during an interview, the University’s Marketing Officer, Mr. James Muriithi reaffirmed MMUST’s commitment to excellence in education and student development. He underscored that career fairs are a dynamic platform for showcasing the University’s diverse academic programs, state-of-the-art facilities, and vibrant campus life; while also allowing direct engagement with prospective students and their families, keeping MMUST top-of-mind for those considering higher education options.

Mr. Muriithi took the students through the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS), emphasizing its role in ensuring fair and transparent placement into higher education institutions based on merit. He detailed the step-by-step application process, highlighting the importance of making informed choices about courses and institutions by considering personal interests, strengths, and career goals.

“Diversify your University applications and consult with career teacher advisors to make informed choices. We look forward to welcoming you to our university next year. Placement is guaranteed for all students, regardless of grades,” he stated.


MMUST’s Marketing Officer, Mr. James Muriithi talking to the Machakos School form four students.

Additionally, Mr. Felix Kioko, a Customer Care Assistant at the University, provided the students with a comprehensive overview of the programs available at MMUST. He accurately detailed the qualifications required for each program, ensuring that students had a clear understanding of their options and the paths they could take to achieve their academic and career goals.

Welcoming the MMUST team to Machakos School, Mr. Jacob Nyamancha, the Deputy Principal for Academics, expressed profound confidence in the mentorship program, foreseeing its potential to significantly influence and reshape the mindset of his students. He lauded MMUST for its unwavering commitment to this initiative, urging the students to seize the opportunity and maximize its benefits to the fullest.


Mr. Felix Kioko, a Customer Care Assistant at the University addressing students at Kyumbi High School, Machakos County.

Mr. Nyamancha was accompanied by his counterpart, Mr. Benson Nzioka, the Deputy Principal for Administration, along with the Heads of Career Guidance, Mrs. Josephine Ndua and Mr. Maxwell Mulinga, forming a cohesive team for the event.

At Kyumbi High School, the MMUST team was warmly welcomed by Mr. Dan Amadi and Mr. John Mutunga, who were standing in for the school Principal, Mrs. Lois Musyoka. The Kyumbi team expressed genuine enthusiasm for the enlightening mentorship session conducted by the MMUST team, urging them to return for further engagements.  


The Director Career Services- Prof. Robert Egessa and the Marketing Officer- Mr. James Muriithi share a photo with a section of Kyumbi High School students.

In his empowering address to the students, Mr. Amadi challenged the students to give their best as he reminded them that they were part of a larger community of aspiring individuals. “As you strive to excel, you need to understand that you are not alone in this journey. A million others are also excelling alongside you, and this is the reality of the strength of competition you will face out here,” he remarked. He advised the students to approach competition with diligence and strategy, urging them to adhere to what they had been taught, learn, and grow.


A section of Kyumbi High School students, keenly following the presentations.

It is worth noting that the event provided a platform for prospective students to interact with the MMUST team. In attendance was Ms. Marcellah Nandi and Ms. Everlyne Omung’ala from the Office of Career Services.

As the event came to a close, the students were left reenergized, their spirits lifted with a renewed sense of purpose and determination for higher education. Certainly, the impact of MMUST’s visit was evident as it reached over 1000 pre-university students, igniting a flame of aspiration within each one. As they departed, the echoes of encouragement lingered in the air, promising a brighter future for all who had been touched by the day’s events.

Story and Photos by Caren Nekesa

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