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MMUST Participates in the Shinyalu Constituency Education Day!

The Member of Parliament for Kiharu Constituency and Chair of the Budget and Appropriations Committee- Hon. Ndindi Nyoro receives the 2023 KCPE and KCSE results prior to its launch. Looking on, his immediate left- Sen. Dr. Bonny Khalwale, (right) Shinyalu MP- Hon. Fred Ikana, Ikolomani Constituency MP, Benard Masaka Shinali and the area MCA.

On Friday, 31 May 2024, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST), through its Marketing Office, proudly participated in the Shinyalu Constituency’s Education Day. The event themed ‘,’ was held at St. Agnes Shibuye Girls High School. This occasion was graced by the Member of Parliament for Kiharu Constituency and Chair of the Budget and Appropriations Committee- Hon. Ndindi Nyoro. Adding to the event’s significance, our very own Rev. Fr. Dr. Kizito Mchanga served as the Guest Speaker. The Education Day provided a valuable platform for recognizing and awarding the top-performing schools within the constituency in both the academic and extra-curricular activities. It also marked the official launch of the 2023 KCPE and KCSE examination results, celebrating the hard work and achievements of students and educators alike.



Hon. Ndindi Nyoro shares a moment with the Kakamega Senator, Dr. Bonny Khalwale.

Speaking at the event, Hon. Ndindi Nyoro discussed the proposed 2024-25 budget allocations. He highlighted that the education sector will receive a substantial allocation of Sh680 billion, earmarked for Junior Secondary School (JSS), Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), higher education, and other educational initiatives. Hon. Nyoro also announced plans to transition JSS intern teachers and contract teachers to permanent and pensionable terms.

Addressing the students, Hon. Nyoro emphasized the importance of viewing their time in school positively. “Your education is not just about academic knowledge, but also about developing your minds, manners, and character. These elements are crucial, and it is important that you give equal attention to all aspects of your growth to complement your academic achievements,” stressed Hon. Nyoro. He further challenged the students to work diligently and strive to be the best versions of themselves. He advised them to resist peer pressure and to honestly reflect on their backgrounds, using their past as motivation to strive for a better future, uninfluenced by negative external factors.


Hon. Ndindi Nyoro addressing the audience.

Rev. Fr. Dr. Kizito Mchanga, who served as the Guest Speaker, expressed his gratitude to the local government for providing bursaries to support University students’ education. He highlighted that this initiative will continue to motivate students to pursue higher education.

Rev. Fr. Kizito challenged the students from the region to take advantage of local institutions of higher learning, such as MMUST, to acquire valuable skills and advance their lives. He pointed out that while students from other countries travel great distances to study at MMUST and later use their acquired talents to improve their home Counties, local students have the opportunity to achieve similar progress for their own communities by utilizing the resources available to them.


MMUST's Rev. Fr. Dr. Kizito Mchanga speaking during the  event.

Shinyalu Member of Parliament, Hon. Fred Ikana noted that the major problem that his constituency is currently facing is the lack of enough teachers. “As you have heard from KUPPET and KNUT, many qualified teachers remain unemployed. However, we are grateful to His Excellency, President William Samoei Ruto, for last year’s efforts in employing some teachers. This year, we urge that the budget alleviates the burden of hiring Board of Management teachers, allowing these funds to be redirected towards advancing other key projects in our schools,” he said.


Students of the Sacred Hearts Mukumu Girls’ High School entertaining guests and participants at the event.

The well-attended event brought together key players in the education sector together with leaders from the locality and beyond. MMUST marketing team was led by the University’s Marketing Officer, Mr. James Muriithi, and a Customer Care Assistant, Mr. Owino Ooko.

We are proud to have been part of such a significant event that underscores our commitment to supporting quality education in our region!

By Caren Nekesa 

Photos by Joshua Chiro

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