Privately Sponsored Students Programmes

Welcome to the MMUST Privately Sponsored Students Programmes (PSSP)
The Privately Sponsored Students Programmes (PSSP) was established by the MMUST 2002/2003 for the purpose of increasing opportunities for university education in Kenya. The programme aims at providing opportunities to those who obtain a minimum grade of C+ at the Kenya Certificate of Secondary School (KCSE) or those who have acquired a diploma in accredited institutions and would like to further their education. The programme provides many opportunities to thousands of Kenyans to study locally thus enabling the country save a lot of foreign currency.
The Directorate cuts across the wide spectrum of the university activities including academics, administration, finance and planning. Currently, we have four operating campuses that include Webuye, Bungoma, Kakuma and Nairobi Campuses. The Directorate is also mentoring Butula Centre to achieve full campus status. To improve access to education, we have evening, weekend and holiday programmes.
The mandate of the Directorate of PSSP is to coordinate the Privately Sponsored Students’ recruitment and operations of Campuses.
What We Do
Promoting the self-sponsored programmes of the University,
Publicizing university programmes to prospective clients.
Academic Facilities
Providing state of art learning facilities for PSSP students in campuses,
Operationalizing a comprehensive campus management system.
Welcome to
Congratulations for choosing MMUST, the university of choice. We are here to assist you make a successful application. Should you have any challenges at any step of your application, kindly use the support contact email We look forward to reviewing your application.