- A Psychosocial Approach Towards Risk and Readiness Assessment of Vulnerable Communities in Responding To Covid 19 Pandemic in Kakamega County (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Alternative Solutions towards Inclusive Access and Institutional Strengthening to E-learning Education in Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology. (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Assessment of Operations and Functions in Masinde Muliro University of Science and technology towards Carbon Management and Transformation into a Green and Sustainable University. (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Determinant of Psychological Well-Being of Students of Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology in Kakamega Town. (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Online Teaching and Learning in Kenyan Universities in Response to Covid-19 (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Rt‐Lamp for Rapid Diagnosis Of Covid-19 Using Saliva In Asymptomatic Patients In Kakamega Kenya (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Adoption Of Best Practices for a Sustainable and Equitable Food System to Achieve Household Food Security in Adaptation to Covid-19 In Kakamega County (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Adoption Of Socio-Cultural Innovations In Public Health Care For -Covid-19 Among Elderly People Living With Disabilities In Kakamega County (Research and Innovation Projects)
- An artificial intelligence-based system for early detection of potato diseases (Research and Innovation Projects)
- An Evaluation of teaching and Learning in Public Universities in Kenya; A Case of Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kenya. (Research and Innovation Projects)
- An Immunoepidemiological model of HIV Incorporating Viral and Cellular Transmission with antiretroviral treatment (Research and Innovation Projects)
- An IOT based Telemedicine toolkit, for rural health data collection (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Analysis of human mobility integration in Kenya’s National Climate Change Frameworks (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Antibacterial Activities of Compounds Isolated from Selected Medicinal Plants from Nandi County, Kenya (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Assessment of Operations and Functions in Masinde Muliro University towards Carbon Management and Transformation into a Green and Sustainable University (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Assessment of the Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Food Security within the Four Counties of Western Region (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Assessment of the psychosocial impact of COVID 19 among healthcare workers and possible mitigation measures in Western Region (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Barriers to Implementation of Antimicrobial Stewardship in Western Kenya (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Bee Diversity, Their Sources of Floral Resources and Honey Production non Different Farming System in Kakamega County. (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Bio-prospecting for phytochemical repellants and bio-pesticides of the jigger flea Tunga penetrans from the western Kenya flora. National Research Fund (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Bioaccumulation and Bio transfer of selected Pesticides and veterinary drugs in dsiry cattle in naturally contaminated Environment and their Preventions using HACCP in Nandi County. (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Building Resilient Transportation Systems in Kenya (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Combating Covid-19 Through Advocacy, Physical Activity And Balanced Dietary Intake Among Adolescents With Disability In Kakamega County, Kenya (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Coordination of multi sectoral recovery and Disaster Risk Reduction linked to COVID-19 in Africa. (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Creating Connection: Breaking through to Research Excellence (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Creating our niche in Research: Descriptions, Analysis and Publishing in Art and Social Sciences (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Determination of Carbon and Nitrogen Budget for Sustainable Land Use and Improved Productivity among Communities Within the Kakamega Forest Ecosystem (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Determining the Nexus between Covid-19 Pandemic and Teenage Pregnancies in Bungoma and Kakamega Counties, Kenya. (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Develop policy briefs for awareness raising of the Sendai Framework and Global Compact for Migration in context of Disaster Displacement and its implications in achieving the SDGs in Africa (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Development of an Enriched Soup (COVI-Soup) for Prevention and Management of Covid-19 at Community Level in Kakamega County Kenya (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Development of Biomass Allometric Estimation Model for Croton macrostachyus (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Development of Research Themes and farmers outreach program. (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Diversity and Functional Analysis of Earthworms in Dumpsites of Kakamega Town. (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Effects of A Sport Socialization Programme on Social Skills Development Among Children with Intellectual Disabilities in Kakamega County, Kenya. (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Effects of Covid-19 Prevention and Mitigation Measures on the Financial Risk Management of Public Universities in Kenya (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Enhancing Cassava Based Recipes for Improved Nutrition at Household Level During the COVI-19 Pandemic in Kakamega County (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Enhancing Resilience Against Covid 19 Among Boarder Communities In Busia County, Kenya (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Erasmus KA171 Mobility Project and Exchange of Staff and Students (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Estimating The sero-Prevalence of Covid 19 in Lurambi Kakamega (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Genetic Polymorphism Of Human Ace-2 Receptor Among Hypertensive And Diabetic Patients In Kakamega County And Its Predisposition To Sars-Cov-2 Infection (Research and Innovation Projects)
- HealthIT project for Health Information System-HIS & Child Protection Information Management System-CPIMS (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Home Based Care As An Adaptability Skill In Covid 19 Response In Navakholo Sub-County (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Home-Based Physical Activities Model for Improving Mental Wellbeing of Kakamega County Residents during Covid-19 Pandemic (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Industrial Collaboration for Developmental Research (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Industry 4.0 Technologies the new Frontier in Computing Research. (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Innovations for Integrated Control of COVID-19 among Vulnerable Populations with Underlying Predisposing Respiratory Diseases (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Innovative Teaching Practices: Reflecting on Education During and Post COVID-19 Pandemic. (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Innovative Wastewater Management Technology In The Face Of Covid -19 Pandemic (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Integrating Uptake of Cervical Cancer Screening in Community Strategy in Kakamega County. (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Investigation of Factors that Influence Completion Rate of Postgraduate Studies at Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kenya. (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Mathematical Modelling of a Co Infection between Helicobacter Pylori and Hepatitis C Virus Incorporating Media Coverage (Research and Innovation Projects)
- MLDockKit: A Precision Drug Discovery Platform for Prostate Cancer (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Molecular Characterization of Giadia duodenalis Assemblages in Diarhogenic patients of Busia County. (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Molecular Characterization of Maize lethal Necrosis Disease Causing Virus and Assessment of Transmission in South Rift Region of Kenya (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Molecular Diversity of Alkalithermophile Isolates from Hot Springs of the Great Rift Valley region of Kenya and their Potential Benefits (Research and Innovation Projects)
- NI BINTI NI MAMA PROJECT (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Phenotypic and Molecular Characterization of Ralstonia Solanacearum strains causing Bacterial wilt in Potato and alternate Hosts in Kenya. (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Prevalence and Molecular Characterization of HIV-1 Drug Resistance and Patterns among Patients Visiting Selected Hospital Facilities in Busia County. (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Psychosocial Support Base, Emotional Dissonance and Psychological Burn out on Role Performance of Covid-19 Frontline Healthcare Workers in Busia County (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Quantitative and Qualitative Research methods in nursing Research. (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Relationship Between Staff Competences and Deployment: A case Study of Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology. (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Speech to Text Recognition System-STRS (Transcriber), for people with Hearing Impairment. (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Strengthening Gender Mainstreaming in Research Excellence and Leadership among Female Academic Staff in Higher Education: A case of Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Strengthening quality improvement of postnatal care through implementation and evaluation of eRegistries at Endebess sub-County hospital, western Kenya (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Strengthening Research Capacity in the School of Medicine and Masinde Muliro University of Science and technology. (Research and Innovation Projects)
- The Impact of Covid-19 on Journalism Practice in Kenya: Contribution of Communities to the Response and Management of the Pandemic in Western Kenya. (Research and Innovation Projects)
- The Psychosocial Effect of Covid-19 on the Livelihood of Border Land Communities in the Lake Victoria Region of Kenya (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Towards Covid-19 Containment : Geo-app Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 and Effectiveness of Home-Based Care in Western Region of Kenya (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Union Management Partnership in the Efficient Operation of the University: A case of Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology,Kenya. (Research and Innovation Projects)
- University- Community Led Response To Adolescents Sexual And Reproductive Health Crisis In The Wake Of Covid- 19 Pandemic (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Upscaling Novel Bio-rational products for Controlling Tungiasis in Eastern Africa (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Using The Water Poverty Index To Better Plan For Community Water Service Provision In Kakamega County (Research and Innovation Projects)
- Using the Water Poverty Index to Better Plan for Community Water Service Provision in Kakamega County (Research and Innovation Projects)