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A Consortium of Organizations Nominates MMUST to Spearhead Its Grant Proposal to the Bezos Earth Fund’s AI for Climate and Nature Grand Challenge

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology is part of a consortium of organizations that has come together to draft a grant proposal to the Bezos Earth Fund. The association has subsequently nominated MMUST to spearhead this proposal, titled ‘Co-creating Artificial Intelligence Knowledge, Linked to Smart Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Security in the Era of Climate Change’. The project, which is grounded in the communities and contexts of Western-Kenya, was submitted to the Bezos Earth Fund, through its AI for Climate and Nature Grand Challenge. It was put together by MMUST’s Prof. Silvenus O. Konyole, the Principal Investigator, together with Co-PIs; Prof. Ruth Oniang’o (Executive Director Rural Outreach Africa-ROA); Dr. Simon Ried-Henry (Founder of Public Interest); Dr. Deen Sharp (A Senior Researcher at Public Interest); Dr. Damiano Cerrone (Cofounder of UrbanistAI and SPIN Unit) and Ms. Florencia Terzano (Executive Assistant at Public Interest).

On Tuesday, 20th August, 2024, Prof. Oniang’o and Dr. Sharp paid a courtesy call to MMUST’s Directorate of International Relations and Academic Linkages (DIAL) to discuss more areas of collaboration, as well as the possibility of formalizing the organizations’ partnership. The Guests, accompanied by Prof. Konyole and his students, were received by Dr. Edwin Kanda, who was standing in for the Director-DIAL, Dr. Umulkher Ali.


Dr. Deen Sharp speaks during the courtesy call at DIAL. Next to him is Rural Outreach Africa’s Prof. Ruth Oniang’o.

“I hope that our organizations will do more proposals together and build a stronger partnership, whether we win the grant or not. We also look forward to conducting research for development, as we are all committed towards transforming the community,” stated Prof. Konyole in an interview with DCCM crew during the visit. The Associate Professor of Food Science in the Department of Nutritional Sciences further mentioned that Prof. Oniang’o and Dr. Sharp’s visit to MMUST was crucial. He added, “there was a need for the organizations in the consortium and their affiliates to be acquainted with the institution that will be leading their joint activities.”

Speaking during the courtesy call, Dr. Kanda pointed out that the University encourages Schools and Departments to create collaborations, both nationally and internationally. “The initiative by these organizations to come together and develop the grant proposal lays a foundation for a solid partnership. I would like to assure the partners that MMUST is equal to the task at hand,” said Dr. Kanda, adding that the University has a sound Grants Management Office, as well as a legal Department that is able to provide advice for contracts.


Prof. Silvenus Konyole gives his remarks during the courtesy call.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology has been partnering with various organizations and sharing research expertise in an effort to transform communities. MMUST, through the University Research Fund (URF), has continuously supported its researchers by providing them seed money, which has enabled them to attract external funding. The University has done a great job in managing projects initiated by its researchers, and there is no doubt that MMUST has the capability to successfully spearhead activities under this consortium.

By Wangari Wambugu 

Photos by  Steven Omondi 

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