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MMUST Has Become Popular Destination for Educational Visits by Both Regional and National Schools


Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) has become a popular destination for educational visits by both regional and national schools. The students from Samoya Secondary School, Lugulu Mixed Secondary School, St. Brigit’s Girls Kiminini Secondary School, and St. Johns Sirende Girls’ Secondary School visited the MMUST on Friday, 4 August 2023. The school visits offer an opportunity for marketing of the University programmes as well as mentorship and career guidance to the students. It is in tandem with the University’s role in promoting Corporate Social Responsibility that seeks to equip students with knowledge on available career paths after secondary school to enable them to succeed in their academic, professional and social life. 

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One of the MMUSO student leaders making an address to the students.

These visits provide students with the opportunity to witness the state-of-the-art facilities in the institution and gain valuable information about higher education, career development, and innovations at the University. This multifaceted program conducted every Friday is steered by the Directorate of Corporate Communications and Marketing (DCCM) and is aimed at increasing the visibility of the University programmes and services.

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The Dean, School of Business and Economics- Prof. Robert Egesa mentors the students.

The visiting schools were mentored by various Deans of Schools at the University. They included Dr. Ferdinand Nabiswa (School of Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance), Prof. Robert Egesa (School of Business and Economics), and Prof. Edwin Wamukoya (School of Public Health, Biomedical Sciences and Technology). The Director, of Privately Sponsored Student Programmes who is also the In-Charge University Advancement Office, Prof. Peter Bukhala, the Marketing Officer, Mr. James Muriithi and Mr. Daudi Kioko (Customer Care Assistant) was also present. They advised the students about career choices, their academic requirements, life skills for personal growth and tips for academic success. 

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The Dean, School of Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance- Dr. Nabiswa addressing the students.

Dr. Nabiswa expressed delight to the schools for choosing MMUST. He encouraged the students to choose the right courses by looking at factors like teaching methods, extra-curricular opportunities and qualifications. He ascertained that MMUST offers certified, market-driven programmes and is one of the best Universities in Kenya that they should consider while making their choices.

After the mentorship session, the students visited the University Library, the Laboratories and Weather Station and other areas of interest around the University. Teachers and students expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to visit MMUST. They commended the warm reception and attested that their students have immensely benefited from the visit.

Indeed such visits foster a spirit of learning and empower students to make informed decisions about their academic and professional careers.

By Linet Owuor

Photos by Shiundu Masafu

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