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MMUST Researchers Win a Prestigious Grant on Cyber Biosecurity

The Vice Chancellor Prof. Solomon Shibairo together with the researchers.

A team of researchers from Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) recently won a prestigious award dubbed ‘Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology Cyber Biosecurity Enhancement Project.’ This project is funded by the US Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) Global, an independent nonprofit organization that promotes safety, security, and sustainability through Science and Innovation. The project worth $19,012.50 is led by the Dean, of the School of Public Health, Biomedical Sciences, and Technology- Dr. Evans Raballah who is the Principal Investigator (PI). The other investigators are Prof. Gordon Nguka, Dr. Sabella Kiprono, Dr. Jasper Ondulo, and Mr. Laban Oenga.

The team paid a courtesy call to the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo on 22nd January 2024 to hand over four security-enhanced monitors and a firewall hardware the University has received courtesy of the project. The four monitors will be installed in the offices of the three Deputy Vice Chancellors and the Vice Chancellor. The firewall will enhance the security of MMUST cyberspace. Prof. Shibairo applauded the researchers for working round the clock to enhance the security of the University against online threats.

 “A firewall is vital for protecting the University’s networks against cyber threats. Investing in digital learning resources without thinking about cybersecurity, exposes new devices and resources to danger, therefore this is a commendable initiative,” stated Prof. Shibairo.


The Principal Investigator- Dr. Evans Raballah handing over the firewall hardware to the Vice Chancellor.

This grant will support the training of Cyber-biosecurity technical staff in MMUST, conduct Cyber-biosecurity risk assessment in MMUST laboratories, and purchase equipment such as laptops, desktop monitors, and firewall hardware.  The project will run until February 29, 2024

The Principal Investigator thanked the CRDF Global team for their generous support. He further appreciated his fellow researchers for working tirelessly towards winning the grant.

The meeting was also attended by the Deputy Vice Chancellors (Academic and Student Affairs) and (Planning, Research, and Innovation) represented by Dr. Joseph Owino and Prof. Elizabeth Omukunda respectively. The Manager of ICT- Mr. Geoffrey Kones was also in attendance.


By Linet Owuor

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