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MMUST and Immunify- Life Launch Hiv and Aids Project That Utilizes Block- Chain Technology to Transform Health Outcomes

MMUST and Immunify- Life have today, 3rd August, 2022 jointly launched an HIV and AIDS project that will utilize block- chain technology to transform health outcomes in Western Kenya. The event which was held at ABA 515 and presided over by the DVC, Planning Research and Innovation (PRI), Prof. Charles Mutai, specifically aims at enhancing outcomes for HIV and AIDS patients with suspected treatment failure through innovation and technology. The study is spearheaded by the founder, Immunify- Life, Mr. Guy Newing and coordinated at MMUST by Dr. Tecla Sum. The project activities that commenced today will go on up to February, 2023.

The findings of the project themed Enhancing Healthcare through Innovation and Technology’ will be evaluated to inform the rollout of the application in Western Kenya and the entire country. Mr. Newing pointed out that this project will impact healthcare practice in Kenya and Africa through the Integrated Cloud Based System for purposes of improving treatment outcomes for patients with suspected treatment failure.

“The technology that we are using at Immunify- Life is designed to address the challenges of HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis, and vaccination programmes. Block- chain technology is the cutting edge new frontier technology that will revolutionize healthcare in Africa,” stated Mr. Newing.

immunifylife2Founder, Immunify- Life, Mr. Guy Newing signs the visitors’ book as DVC, Planning Research and Innovation (PRI), Prof. Charles Mutai looks on.

Speaking at the event, Prof. Mutai reiterated the importance of applying technology in advancing quality healthcare, adding that the University has a strong team of researchers and will ensure that the project succeeds.

“Our Vice Chancellor is keen on strengthening research capacity and has championed the setting up research teams to write proposals in different areas. This project will therefore receive the required administrative support. We expect that this project can be used to touch lives and solve the problems of the community,” said Prof. Mutai.


MMUST’s Principal Investigator (PI), Dr. Tecla Sum speaks at the event.

The project coordinator, Dr. Tecla Sum expressed delight at the support offered by Immunify- Life which has enabled the development of an Application (App) that enables the tracking of progress in treatment.

“The project has critical components such as HIV and AIDS screening, laboratory tests, treatment, follow up care, peer group support, tracking of treatment outcomes, tracking of retention on treatment, and enhanced paperless data. I am excited about this project because its success will spread to the whole country and later to the whole continent,” said Dr. Sum.

Concurring with the sentiments of his counterpart, the Dean School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedical Sciences (SONMAPS), Mr. John Arudo pointed out that record keeping is a key component of this project.

immunifylife4A section of the participants at the launch.

Prof. Lt. Col. (Rtd) John Okoth, a veteran medic and former Dean at MMUST’s School of Nursing, informed the participants present that chronic diseases such as HIV usually lead to loss of follow up which then results in increased HIV transmission as well as increased mortality. “If we are able to retain patients on treatment, we will achieve the strategy of 95% reached, 95% put on treatment and 95% virally suppressed,” he said.

Dr. Ruth Opanga, who was also representing the Kakamega Country, Director Medical Services, Dr. Linet Kanaga, decried the shortage of commodities at the hospitals which encourage suspected treatment failure. “But all is not lost. At Kakamega County Referral Hospital, we already have a structure for suspected treatment failure and are currently carrying out targeted testing of HIV and AIDS,” she revealed.

Dr. Opanga was accompanied by other health professionals, including the Medical Superintendent, Kakamega County Referral Hospital, Dr. Boniface Nyumbile and the In- charge, Comprehensive Care Clinic (CCC), Dr. Evan Ngira Egondi.


Dr. Ruth Opanga, Dr. Evan Ngira Egondi and Dr. Tecla Sum share a moment at the event.

The Immunify- Life members who are part of this project are: Guy Newing (Australia), Daniel Kenny (United Kingdom), Dola Idowu (United Kingdom) and Sam Bassily (Australia).

The members of MMUST- Immunify- Life project at MMUST include: Prof. Charles Mutai, Prof. Gladys Mengich, Prof. Lt. Col. (Rtd) John Okoth, Dr. Tecla Sum, Dr. Bernard Wesonga, Dr. Lydia Anyonje, CPA Jared Rading’, Dr. Consolata Ngala, Mr. John Arudo, CPA Elkana Kinyor, Mr. Victor Dinda, Ms. Dinnah Okwiri and Mr. Zadock Maingi. Dr. Mike Ekisa, another member of this project, is from Ampath.


Prof. Charles Mutai addresses the participants just before the launch.

While Dr. Tecla Sum is the Principal Investigator (PI) for the Kenyan team based at MMUST, Mr. Daniel Kenny is the Principal Investigator (PI) for the Immunify- Life team.

Also present at the event were; Registrar, Planning, Research and Innovation, Prof. Chesambu Ndiema, Paramedic academic staff, Dr. Lydiah Nyachiro as well as HIV and AIDS Control Unit representative, Ms. Elizabeth Simiyu- all from MMUST.

Immunify- Life has more than 60 years of combined healthcare, technology and finance expertise across multiple global markets. At a time of unprecedented global health challenges, access to secure, relevant, and reliable data has become key to optimizing the delivery of healthcare including the management of national and global emergencies. This project places MMUST among the global healthcare data management giants.

 By Dr. Lydia Anyonje and Verna Awuor

Photos by Wilberforce Shiundu

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